論文 |
No. | 論文タイトル URL, 誌名(出版物名), 巻( 号), 開始ページ- 終了ページ, 出版年月, DOI
1 | Neurodiversity and Inclusion in Malaysia's EFL Classrooms , In Touch In Tune; The Journal of the Malaysian Association of Applied Linguistics, 22( 1), 36- 38, 2022年09月,
2 | EFL Teachers' Experiences with Neurodiverse Students and Their Self Efficacy for Inclusive Practice In Japanese Universities , European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL, 11( 2), 125- 139, 2022年06月,
3 | Non-Japanese Women of Color Leading in Japanese Higher Education , Handbook of Higher Education in Japan, , , 2021年08月,
4 | Supporting Neurodiverse Students in the EFL Classroom: A Cross-Border Challenge and Responsibility , English Scholarship Beyond Borders, 7( 1), 34- 49, 2021年08月,
5 | English-Only Policies: A Literature Review , TESOL International Journal, 16( 4.2), 148- 163, 2021年04月,
6 | English Foreign Language Teaching and Professional Identity Development , Asian EFL Journal, 28( 2.1), 7- 24, 2021年04月,
7 | Negotiations of Selves in a Bilingual Japanese-English Elementary School Program: A Duoethnographic-Narrative Study , , , , 2020年07月,
8 | The Gendered Experiences of Contractually Employed Female EFL Teachers , , , , 2020年06月,
9 | Autism and Bilingualism: Parent Perspectives and Practitioner Support , Accents Asia, 12( 1), 44- 55, 2019年12月,
10 | Women in TESOL Leadership Roles in Higher Education in Japan , Asian EFL Journal, 23( 6.3), 1- 25, 2019年11月,
11 | Higher Education Reform and Organizational Learning: A Review of Four Studies in the Field of OL and their Practical Applications , Journal of Learner Centered Higher Education, 8, 117- 124, 2019年07月,
12 | From the Margins to the Mainstream: Foreign Women Leaders in Japanese Higher Education , PROQUEST, , , 2019年03月,
13 | Women in TESOL leadership roles in Japanese higher education , Asian EFL Journal, 23( 63), 155- 172, 2019年,
14 | Academic Reading and Writing: A Multipronged Proposal for Change , Language Research Bulletin International Christian University, 30, 1- 10, 2015年03月,
15 | Extensive Reading: A Graded Reader Approach , Language Research Bulletin International Christian University, 29, 1- 10, 2014年03月,
16 | Native-Speakerism through English Only Policies: Teachers, Students, and the Changing Face of Japan , Native-Speakerism in Japan: Intergroup Dynamics in Foreign Language Education, , 207- 216, 2013年,
17 | Languaging as an Extensive Reading Strategy , Pan SIG 2010 Conference Proceedings, , 1- 8, 2010年12月,
18 | Student and teacher beliefs about Peace Education  , 言語教育研究, 21, 195- 206, 2010年11月,
19 | Metacognition in the Language Classroom: Students Explore the Impact of Explicit Reading Strategy Instruction  , 神田外語大学紀要, 22, 431- 460, 2010年03月,
20 | Student Use of Japanese in the EFL Classroom , Accents Asia, 3( 2), 1- 26, 2009年11月,
講演・口頭発表等 |
No. | 講演・口頭発表タイトル, 会議名, 発表年月日, 主催者, 開催地
1 | Diversity and Inclusion of Learning Disabled Students in the EFL Classroom, Diversity and Inclusion in Language Education, 2022年12月08日, ,
2 | Developing EFL Students' Metacognition of Reading Strategies, Situating Strategy Use: University of New Zealand, Wellington, 2022年11月23日, ,
3 | Writing Argumentative Essays with the Academic Word List, Tunku Abdul Rahman University Writing Symposium, 2022年07月09日, ,
4 | Supporting Neurodiverse Children in the EFL Classroom, JALT Young Learners, 2022年06月12日, ,
5 | Helping Ukrainian Refugees Learn English, Osaka JALT 12th Annual Conference, 2022年05月15日, ,
6 | EFL Teacher Experiences with Neurodiverse Students and their Self Efficacy for Inclusive Practice, JALT International, 2021年11月, ,
7 | Teacher Self Efficacy and Neurodiversity, JALT CUE, 2021年09月, ,
8 | EFL Teacher Experiences with Neurodiverse Students and their Self Efficacy for Inclusive Practice, XV International Symposium for Psycholinguistics, 2021年06月25日, ,
9 | Negotiations of Selves in a Bilingual Japanese-English Elementary School Program: A Duoethnographic-Narrative Study, Stories that Connect Us, 2021年04月25日, ,
10 | Teacher Experiences Working with Neurodiverse Students, Equity ELT, 2021年01月, ,
11 | Our Quarter, JALT, 2020年11月, ,
12 | Reaching Your Hard to Reach Students, JALT, 2020年11月, ,
13 | Building Inclusive Learner Communities, JALT, 2020年11月, ,
14 | The Lived Experiences of Women of Color in Japanese Higher Education, Women Educators and Language Teachers (WELL), 2020年10月, ,
15 | Embracing Difference, IAFOR, 2020年10月, ,
16 | Neurodiversity and Foreign Language Education: Theory and Practice., English Scholars Beyond Borders, 2020年03月, ,
17 | Women of Color Working in Japanese Higher Education, English Language Teaching Expo, 2020年02月, ,
18 | Barriers to Full Inclusion for Students with Brain Disorders in Japanese Universities, Japan Association of Language Teachers (JALT) Yokohama Chapter, 2020年02月, ,
19 | Non-Japanese Women of Color Working in Higher Education in Japan: A Narrative Study, ELT Expo, 2020年02月, ,
20 | Non Japanese Women of Color working in Japanese Higher Education, English Medium of Instruction Symposium, Gakushuin University, 2020年01月, ,
21 | The Experiences of Non-Japanese Women of Color in Japanese Higher Education, UCKHE East Asia Regional Symposium on EMI Education, 2020年01月, ,
22 | Diversity and Inclusion of Students with ASD and ADHD, Japan Association of Language Teachers (JALT) West Tokyo Chapter, 2019年12月, ,
23 | Neurodiverse Children: Building Understanding and Inclusion, JALT Tokyo Chapter Meeting, 2019年12月, ,
24 | Pathways to Leadership for Women, Women's Economic Forum Yokohama Meeting, 2019年12月, ,
25 | Foreign Women in Japanese Academia, Japan Association of Language Teachers (JALT), 2019年11月, ,
26 | Women EFL Leaders in Higher Education in Japan, JALT, 2019年11月, ,
27 | Narratives of Female Academics in Japan, Institute of Contemporary Asian Studies Guest Lecture Series, 2019年09月, ,
28 | Narratives of Female Academics in Japanese Higher Education, Institute of Contemporary Asian Studies, Temple University, 2019年09月, ,
29 | Teaching Neurodiverse Children in the Foreign Language Classroom, Gunma Felice Academy, 2019年09月, ,
30 | Neurodiversity and Brain Disorders, JALTGunma Chapter Society Meeting, 2019年05月, ,
31 | Metacognition and Reading, IAFOR Language Teaching, 2019年05月, ,
32 | Developing Metacognition of Intensive Reading Strategies, ExictELT, 2019年05月, ,
33 | Building and Inclusive EFL Classroom for Neurodiverse Students, JALT Gunma Chapter Meeting, 2019年05月, ,
34 | Raising Metacognitive Awareness of Reading Strategies, ExcitELT, 2019年05月, ,
35 | Developing Learner Autonomy by Raising Metacognitive Awareness of Reading Strategies, IAFOR, 2019年05月, ,
36 | Professional Identity Development of Foreign Women Leading in EFL in Japanese Higher Education, TESOL Indonesia, 2019年04月, ,
37 | Narratives of Women Leaders in TESOL in Japanese Higher Education, TESOL Indonesia, 2019年03月, ,
38 | Diversity and Inclusion of Students with ASD and ADHD, English Language Teaching Expo, 2019年02月, ,
39 | Teaching Students with Autism and ADHD in the EFL Classroom, ELT Expo, 2019年02月, ,
40 | Teaching Students with Autism and ADHD in the EFL Classroom, JALT, 2018年11月, ,
41 | Teaching Academic Writing to International Graduate Students, Writing Center Association of Japan, 2017年02月, ,
42 | The "War on Terror": Representations in the Popular Media, Peace as a Global Language Conference, 2010年12月, ,
43 | Teaching about the Israeli Palestinian Conflict in the EFL Classroom, JALT, 2010年11月, ,
44 | Grassroots Peace Education in Japan, JALT, 2010年11月, ,
45 | Curriculum Development and Renewal, JALT, 2010年11月, ,
46 | Talking it Through: Students Discuss Reformulations of their Short Stories, Korea TESOL, 2010年10月16日, ,
47 | Post Structural Film and Feminism in the EFL Classroom, International Gender and Language Association Conference, 2010年09月, ,
48 | Talking it Through: Students Discuss Reformulations of their Short Stories, MASH Conference, 2010年08月, ,
49 | English Only Policies: Teachers and Students Weigh In, Nakasendo English Conference, 2010年06月, ,
50 | Teaching Peace Education in the EFL Classroom, JALT Pan SIG, 2010年05月, ,
51 | Introducing Extensive Reading in the EFL Classroom, JALT Pan SIG, 2010年05月, ,
52 | A Strategies-Based Approach to Intensive Reading, JALT Saitama Chapter Meeting, 2010年04月, ,
53 | Extensive Reading: An Action Research Project, TESOL USA, 2010年03月, ,
54 | Increasing Metacognitive Awareness of Reading Strategies in the EFL Classroom, TESOL Arabia, 2010年03月, ,
55 | Introducing Global Issues and Food Security in the EFL Classroom, Manitoba Food Security Conference, 2010年02月, ,
56 | Introducing Extensive Reading in the EFL Classroom, JALT Yokohama Chapter Meeting, 2010年01月, ,
57 | Using Miyazaki Films to Teach Sustainability, JALT, 2009年11月, ,
58 | Using the Concept of Inner Voice in Language Teaching, JALT, 2007年11月, ,