Published Papers |
No. | Title URL, Journal, Vol( Number), From Page- To Page, Publication date, DOI
1 | Place-Based Learning and its Social Impact through the Online Study Tour during COVID-19 , Journal of Japanese Society of Social Welfare Education, 24, 3- 18, Dec. 2021,
2 | Theory and Action of Regional Development in Study Tours , SOCIOLOGICA, 45( 1.2), 23- 42, Mar. 2021,
3 | Social Development and Its Range in Social work in Japan , 生活科学研究 = Bulletin of Living Science, 40, 147- 152, Mar. 30, 2018,
4 | A Preliminary Study on Social Work Values and Philosophy in Japan Based on the Examination of Papers in Japanese Journal of Social Welfare in the Past Five Years , Tokyo Future University bulletin, 10, 121- 133, Mar. 31, 2017,
5 | A case study on group work seminars for training certificated social workers : Active lerning in collaboration with Koshigay City , , 36, 167- 177, Mar. 1, 2014,
6 | A Study of the general model for community work seminars for training certified social workers : the case of interview research in Koshigaya-city regarding experiences of suffering from the Great East Japan Earthquake , 生活科学研究 = Bulletin of Living Science, 35, 183- 195, Mar. 1, 2013,
7 | A Study of the System and Methods for Promoting Community Care after the Creation of Community Care Plan : A Case Study of Koshigaya City , Saitma Prefecture , 生活科学研究 = Bulletin of Living Science, 34, 129- 137, Mar. 1, 2012,
8 | Choice of Topics of Group Studies in Care Worker Education : The Teaching Process and Trend in Choice of Research Topics in Group Studies , , 27, 1- 16, Mar. 31, 2011,
9 | A study of the effects and problems of a community-based training course for care workers , , 27, 51- 62, Mar. 31, 2011,
10 | A Study on The Measurement of Social Work Professionals' Value Orientation , , 25, 67- 78, Mar. 31, 2009,
11 | Current Status and Prospects for People Engaged in Social Work or Intending to Work as Certified Social Workers , , 24, 73- 83, Mar. 31, 2008,
12 | Tasks of the Course "Social Work Seminar" in the Training for Certified Social Worker based on the Questionair Research for the Teachers Attending the Study Workshop of Social Work Seminar , テオロギア・ディアコニア = Theologia Diakonia, 36, 109- 123, Mar. 1, 2003,