Books etc |
No. | Title URL, Autour Type, Publisher, Publication date, Range, ISBN
1 | Aiming the Humanities to reconstruction: Invitation to Anthropology , Joint Work, Keisoshobo, Feb. 2018, , 9784326102662
2 | Social worker pass Q and A , Joint Work, Minervashobo, Sep. 2010, , 9784623058914
3 | Social worker national examination preparation Q and A Second Edition , Joint Work, Minervashobo, Sep. 2006, , 4623046877
4 | Social worker national examination preparation Q and A , Joint Work, Minervashobo, Apr. 2005, , 4623043983
Published Papers |
No. | Title URL, Journal, Vol( Number), From Page- To Page, Publication date, DOI
1 | "Partnership" of Neighborhood Associations and NPO:Focusing on the Kyodo Relationships of Quite Real Autonomy of Citizens , SOCIOLOGICA, 42( No.1,2), 71-85- , Mar. 2018,
2 | Self as the Subject of Associating as Neighbors : The Issue of "Mutual Support" between the Local Residents , Sociologica, vol.41( No1/2), 29-47- 47, Mar. 2017,
3 | An Association with Neighbors as Interactions : Esteem of the Individual and Solidarity in Individualized Society , Sociologica, Vol.41( No.1/2), 49-63- , Mar. 2017,
4 | The Meaning of Face-to-face Relationships between the Local Residents : An Alternative Support System in the Community , Sociologica, Vol.40( No.1/2), 3-21- , Mar. 2016,
5 | College Students and their Identity Formation : Beyond the Development Theory Normality , Bulletin of Tsukuba International University, 15( 15), 91-103- 103, Mar. 2009,
6 | Problems of "Transition from School to Work" in Social Work Education : Focusing on Guidance of Social Work Practice , Bulletin of Tsukuba International University, ( 14), 97-108- , Mar. 2008,
7 | About building of the attendance control system , Bulletin of Tsukuba International University, 13( 13), 35-37- 49, Mar. 2007,
8 | Reconstruction of the family in child abuse : From the viewpoint of clinical sociology , Bulletin of Tsukuba International University, 13( 13), 103-116- 116, Mar. 2007,
9 | The "child" positioned in the "child abuse" problem : Analyzing the articles "Don't Kill Children" in the Mainichi Newspapers , Bulletin of Tsukuba International University, ( 12), 129-144- , Mar. 2006,
10 | The child as the relationship : from the viewpoint of the role of parent , Bulletin of Tsukuba International University, ( 11), 99-103- , Mar. 2005,