Published Papers |
No. | Title URL, Journal, Vol( Number), From Page- To Page, Publication date, DOI
1 |
2 | SDGs and Language Teaching – A Report of Seminar Class , , ( 54), 55- 66, Feb. 2023,
3 | Japanese students’ development of self-regulated learning during the transition to college , , , , May. 2018,
4 | Language learning advising: A case study of repeated visitors , The Journal of Learner-Centered Higher Education, ( 3), 159- 168, Jul. 2014,
5 | Read aloud practice: To build English basic skills and independent learning habits , , ( 45), 53- 65, Feb. 2014,
6 | A report on the use of Gogaku Portfolio to support independent language learning , The Journal of Learner-Centered Higher Education, ( 1), 153- 163, May. 2012,
7 | The influence of learning beliefs in peer-advising: Promoting independent language learning , Studies in Self-Access Learning Journal, 2( 1), 93- 107, Mar. 2012,
8 | Effect of task-based activities on question formation , Temple University Japan Working Papers in Applied Linguistics, 23, 67- 74, Dec. 2010,
Conference Activities & Talks |
No. | Title, Conference, Publication date, Promoter, Venue
1 | Exploring Student Needs in the Collaboration between Japanese Education (L1) and English Language Teaching (L2) at a Two-Year College in Japan, The 1st International Joint Conference for Student Success, Mar. 5, 2024, Co-hosted by The University of Hawai’i at Mānoa Academic Resource Center, Peer Mentor Ohana-Registered Independent Organization, The CRLA Japan Chapter, And The Japan Association for Developmental Education, University of Hawai’i Mānoa Campus
2 | Development of self-regulated learning skills: From a case study of first-year college students, Nagano JALT Event, Nov. 2020, ,
3 | Advising in language learning and self-regulated learning skill development: A case study of first-year students in Japan, American Association for Applied Linguistics 2018 Conference, Mar. 2018, ,
4 | A case study on developmental process of self-regulated learning during transition to college (A progress report), , Dec. 2015, ,
5 | Developing and validating a teacher practices survey, JALT Conference 2015, Nov. 2015, ,
6 | Fostering global citizenship through language learning advising, Conference on Global Higher Education, May. 2014, ,
7 | Read aloud practice: To build English basic skills and independent learning habits, JAMES Annual Conference 2013, Nov. 2013, ,
8 | Language learning advising: A case study of repeated visitors, JALT Conference 2013, Oct. 2013, ,
9 | Looking into interactions in peer advising sessions on independent learning, IATEFL LASIG Event 2011, Nov. 2011, ,