論文 |
No. | 論文タイトル URL, 誌名(出版物名), 巻( 号), 開始ページ- 終了ページ, 出版年月, DOI
1 | Mixing paper and digital: 2020 online summer English drama kamishibai workshop , Scenario: A journal for performative teaching, learning, research, 17( 1), 68- 87, 2023年07月31日, https://doi.org/10.33178/scenario.17.1.4
2 | 複数言語使用を認める「英語人形劇ワークショップ」の学び ―参加者の声から探る― , , , , 2022年06月,
3 | Warm-up: You! , JALT Performance in Education SIG Classroom Resources, 2, 4- 5, 2022年,
4 | Process drama: Engage, understand, learn , JALT Mind, Brain, and Education SIG Bulletin, 7( 12), 8- 13, 2021年12月,
5 | The road to tenure in Japan: Some advice for the road , Gender Awareness in Language Education (GALE)Newsletter, , 13- 15, 2018年,
6 | Mobile devices: Springboards for global learning. , Global Issues in Language Education (GILE) Newsletter, 107, 16- 17, 2018年,
7 | Overcoming Shyness: Promoting Leadership and Communication through English Drama Camp in Japan , Scenario: A Journal of Performative Teaching, Learning, Research, XI( 2), 15- 31, 2017年07月01日, https://doi.org/10.33178/scenario.11.2.2
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9 | アクティブラーニング型実習 「チームプロジェクトラーニング」の教育効果について , 湘南工科大学紀要, 51( 1), 63- 70, 2017年03月,
10 | Building intercultural communicative competence: From controlled role-plays to real-life Interviews in Hiroshima Peace Park , 湘南工科大学紀要, 50( 1), 49- 58, 2016年03月,
11 | Process Drama in the Japanese University Classroom: Phase Three, The Homelessness Project , Scenario: A Journal of Performative Teaching, Learning, Research, X( 1), 18- 32, 2016年01月01日, https://doi.org/10.33178/scenario.10.1.2
12 | Process Drama in the Japanese University EFL Classroom: The Emigration Project , Scenario: A Journal of Performative Teaching, Learning, Research, VIII( 1), 36- 51, 2014年01月01日, https://doi.org/10.33178/scenario.8.1.4
13 | Process drama: Using social issues in the classroom. , Global Issues in Language Education (GILE) Newsletter, 91, 18- 19, 2014年,
14 | Language and technology: Rationale for inclusion in the Japanese university EFL classroom , Tokyo JALT Chap’zine, 3, 7- 10, 2012年,
15 | Guest lecturer sessions as springboards for creativity , JALT 2010 Conference Proceedings, , 293- 301, 2011年10月,
16 | Developing intercultural communicative competence through video web-chat and international student exchange , 外国語教育メディア学会・関西支部, 10, 125- 146, 2011年,
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18 | Testing the Waters: Drama in the Japanese University EFL Classroom , Scenario: A Journal of Performative Teaching, Learning, Research, III( 1), 17- 33, 2009年01月01日, https://doi.org/10.33178/scenario.3.1.3
19 | Needs analysis for the construction of the English curriculum for the School of Human Welfare Studies: A preliminary study , 関西学院大学リポジトリ, 1( 1), 33- 64, 2009年,
20 | Report on the 2009 Conference of International Association of Performing Languages (IAPL) , Japan Association of Language Teachers: The Language Teacher, 33( 12), 13- 15, 2009年,
21 | Drama pedagogy and communicative competence for the EFL learner in Japan , Kyoto University British Drama Studies, 3, 1- 17, 2007年,
22 | Drama in EFL: An intercultural- and arts-based pedagogy , Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University Polyglossia, 11, 51- 63, 2006年,
23 | Drama: The motivational vehicle towards second language socialization for the Japanese learner , Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University Polyglossia, 12, 1- 7, 2006年,
講演・口頭発表等 |
No. | 講演・口頭発表タイトル, 会議名, 発表年月日, 主催者, 開催地
1 | Process Drama in the Classroom: Featuring ChatGPT as the Bogeyman, 19th Lao TESOL Conference, 2025年02月07日, ,
2 | Basic Workshop: Drama Ideas for the Classroom, 19th Lao TESOL Conference, 2025年02月06日, ,
3 | Proactive Classroom Management and Drama Workshop, 19th Lao TESOL Pre-Conference Workshop Sessions, 2025年02月05日, ,
4 | Elements of Drama in the EFL Classroom: Featuring ChatGPT as the Bogeyman, 国際表現言語学会第 9 回大会, 2024年10月13日, ,
5 | 一期一会」Ichigo, ichie, Cherishing every moment: From Japan to Brazil, a Process Drama (PD) workshop on emigration, 演劇教育ナレッジフォーラム, 2024年09月07日, ,
6 | Practical Ideas for Teaching SDGs in English, The Tenth Annual Conference on Global Higher Education, Lakeland University, 2024年06月01日, ,
7 | Introducing the CEFR & Language Portfolio to Students, 2024 PanSIG, 2024年05月25日, ,
8 | Enhancing Fluency and Autonomy: A Three-step DeepL Quick Writes Activity, 2024 JALT CALL Conference., 2024年05月18日, ,
9 | 「一期一会」(Ichigo, ichie), Cherishing every moment: From Japan to Brazil, a Process Drama (PD) workshop on emigration, 3rd International Scenario Forum International Conference, 2024年05月11日, ,
10 | Proactive Classroom Management, Professional Development Workshop Sessions, World Language Center, Soka University, 2024年04月04日, ,
11 | Growth mindset: Students embracing failure, 43rd Thailand TESOL International Conference 2024, 2024年01月27日, ,
12 | Growth mindset: Students embracing the F-word, 49th Annual International JALT Conference, Tsukuba, 2023年11月27日, ,
13 | Versatile Drama Activities for the EFL Classroom, JALT Sendai, 2023年07月23日, ,
14 | Reversing the Dynamic: Teachers Building Resilience through Student Insights, 19th Annual CamTESOL Conference, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 2023年02月18日, ,
15 | Reversing the Dynamic: Teachers Building Resilience through Student Insights, 42nd Thailand TESOL International Conference 2023, Bangkok, 2023年01月28日, ,
16 | Learning from students: Generating change in teachers, 48th Annual International JALT Conference, 2022年11月13日, ,
17 | Power dynamics, classroom struggles – Learning from and for students, , 2022年11月11日, ,
18 | Japanese Learners + the International Virtual Exchange Project = Intercultural Communicative Competence?, JALT Intercultural Communication Language Education (ICLE) SIG Conference, 2022年09月10日, ,
19 | Gateways between worlds new and old: Japanese folk tale, Urashima Taro, The 10th International Drama in Education Research Institute (IDIERI), 2022年07月13日, ,
20 | Breaking through negativity: Drama-in-Education for the Post-COVID era, Gifu JALT, 2022年06月26日, ,
21 | Getting that Job: How to Job Hunt, Soka University Professional Development Session, 2022年06月22日, ,
22 | The International Virtual Exchange (IVE) Project: Meeting low-level EFL learner needs, Osaka JALT, 2022年05月15日, ,
23 | Reversing the Dynamic: Teachers Building Resilience through Student Insights, 19th Annual CamTESOL Conference, 2022年02月18日, ,
24 | Reversing the Dynamic: Teachers Building Resilience through Student Insights, 42nd Thailand TESOL International Conference 2023, 2022年01月28日, ,
25 | Bhinneka Tunggal Ika_Unity in Diversity: Inclusiveness in society, Fukuoka JALT, 2021年11月27日, ,
26 | Coping and Teaching during a Pandemic: Process Drama Workshop, National JALT Conference, 2021, 2021年11月13日, ,
27 | Moving through and moving on: Pivot, Reflect, Develop, and Grow, National JALT Conference, 2021, 2021年11月12日, ,
28 | 日本・アイルランド:異文化交流, 八王子市議会議員:若尾 きみえ, 2021年10月30日, ,
29 | Getting to grips with M Reader!, Professional Development Session, World Language Center, Soka University, 2021年10月04日, ,
30 | Coping and teaching during a pandemic: Process drama workshop, Matsuyama JALT, 2021年04月18日, ,
31 | Coping and Teaching during a Pandemic: Process Drama Workshop, Yokohama JALT, 2021年02月06日, ,
32 | Online Inter-College Picture Storytelling Workshop, 3rd JAAL in JACET Conference, 2020年12月06日, ,
33 | Building community by blending drama and CALL, 46th JALT International Conference, 2020年11月22日, ,
34 | Omotenashi: Starts with community-building, 46th JALT International Conference, Online, 2020年11月20日, ,
35 | Resuscitating The Active Learner: A journey of love or self-abuse?, Japan Writers’ Conference, 2020年10月11日, ,
36 | Looking into learners’ minds through interviews: Multilingual puppeteering, 国際表現言語学会, 2020年02月08日, ,
37 | インバウンド獲得のための“Omotenashi”多言語化への取り組み, 2019年度 日本観光研究学会 沖縄・名桜大学, 2019年11月15日, ,
38 | Dramatic solutions for classroom issues, Performance in Education SIG Forum, JALT 45th International Conference, Nagoya, 2019年11月03日, ,
39 | Teacher efficacy: Learning to let go, JALT 45th International Conference, Nagoya, 2019年11月02日, ,
40 | Process Drama Workshop, Yokohama JALT + Performance in Education JALT SIG, 2019年09月14日, ,
41 | Increasing Intercultural Communicative Competence (ICC) through Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) and drama-based pedagogies: Meeting the needs of Japanese university students, Drama in Education Days Conference, Zug, Switzerland, 2019年07月19日, ,
42 | Process Drama [Joint presentation & workshop], Nagoya JALT + Performance in Education SIG, 2019年07月02日, ,
43 | アイルランド:文化・歴史・国民, 成田市国際交流協会, 2019年05月18日, ,
44 | CALL on Main Street: Rescuing a local economy, JALT 45th International Conference, Nagoya, 2018年11月25日, ,
45 | Increasing Intercultural Communicative Competence (ICC) through CALL and drama: Meeting the needs of Japanese university students, Speech Drama Debate SIG Forum, 44th JALT International Conference, Shizuoka, 2018年11月24日, ,
46 | Unity in diversity: Inclusiveness in society, 44th JALT International Conference, Shizuoka, 2018年11月24日, ,
47 | Saving the high street: Designing online study for local businesses, World CALL Conference, University of Concepcion, Chile, 2018年11月16日, ,
48 | Increasing Intercultural Communicative Competence (ICC) through Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL): Meeting the needs of Japanese university students, World CALL Conference, University of Concepcion, Chile, 2018年11月15日, ,
49 | Curriculum Design for Survival Foreign Language Curriculum, Shonan Institute of Technology Business Forum, 2018年11月08日, ,
50 | Process drama workshop: Thai soccer club mining rescue, Nagoya JALT + Speech Drama Debate SIG Event, 2018年07月14日, ,
51 | Drama-based pedagogies: Bridging social and cultural distances in Japan, 9th International Drama in Education Research Institute (IDIERI) Conference, 2018年07月03日, ,
52 | Building bridges between people: Report on 2.5-day workshop for college EFL students, 9th International Drama in Education Research Institute (IDIERI) Conference, 2018年07月03日, ,
53 | 地域活性化につなげる多言語“Omotenashi”フレームワーク, エスパルスドリームプラザ 説明会, 2018年06月06日, ,
54 | Tokenism versus integration: The upside of being a woman in a man’s world, 2018 JALT PanSIG Conference, 2018年05月19日, ,
55 | What am I doing that students can do by themselves: Finding, harnessing and releasing energy in the classroom, Speech Drama Debate JALT SIG & Nagoya JALT Event, 2018年04月21日, ,
56 | Drama-based activities in the mixed-ability EFL classroom, Gunma JALT Chapter Event, 2018年04月01日, ,
57 | Mobile devices: Springboards for global learning, JALT 43rd International Conference, Tsukuba, 2017年11月19日, ,
58 | Curriculum design for absolute beginners in a new language, Shonan Institute of Technology Business Forum, 2017年11月10日, ,
59 | The upside of being a woman in a man’s worl, Shizuoka JALT + Gender Awareness Language Education SIG, 2017年09月17日, ,
60 | ブレンディッドラーニングによる 次世代型語学学習モデル, Japan Society for Educational Technology (JSET), 2017年09月15日, ,
61 | Holistic drama-based pedagogies: Harnessing and releasing energy in the classroom, New York University + US Embassy, Kobe Teacher Training, 2017年08月19日, ,
62 | Performative spaces: Embodying homelessness from visionary spaces, Scenario Forum International Conference, 2017年05月28日, ,
63 | Performative spaces and Intercultural Communicative Competence (ICC): Meeting the needs of Japanese university students, Scenario Forum International Conference, 2017年05月27日, ,
64 | Drama ideas for the classroom, West Tokyo JALT + Speech, Drama, Debate (SDD) SIG, 2017年04月22日, ,
65 | Drama activities workshop, West Tokyo JALT + Speech, Drama, Debate (SDD) SIG, 2017年04月22日, ,
66 | Intercultural Communicative Competence (ICC), 42nd JALT International Conference, Shizuoka, 2016年11月23日, ,
67 | Human dimensions in technology, Shonan Institute of Technology Business Forum, 2016年11月17日, ,
68 | Analyze and criticize: TED Talks motivating students to speak, 2016 TESOL Indonesia International Conference, 2016年08月12日, ,
69 | Using TED Talks for presentation skills, 2016 JALT PanSIG Conference, 2016年05月21日, ,
70 | The upside of being a woman in a man’s world, 2016 JALT PanSIG Conference, 2016年05月21日, ,
71 | Translations: From word to word, or the cultural meaning, 2016 Liberlit7 Conference, 2016年02月20日, ,
72 | SWOT for the classroom: Using a marketing model for course design, 2016 English Teachers Japan (ETJ) Expo, 2016年01月30日, ,