論文 |
No. | 論文タイトル URL, 誌名(出版物名), 巻( 号), 開始ページ- 終了ページ, 出版年月, DOI
1 | The Chinese “hypothetical enemy”: Japan rehabilitates a problematic prewar label , The Asia-Pacific Journal Japan Focus, 22( 4), , 2024年05月,
2 | More Weapons than Windmills: Japan’s Military and Energy Policy Response to Russia’s Attack on Ukraine , Czech Journal of International Relations, 58( 2), , 2023年06月, https://doi.org/10.32422/cjir.733
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8 | The North Korean abduction issue: emotions, securitisation and the reconstruction of Japanese identity from ‘aggressor’ to ‘victim’ and from ‘pacifist’ to ‘normal’  , The Pacific Review, 28( 1), 71- 93, 2015年01月, https://doi.org/10.1080/09512748.2014.970043
No. | MISCタイトル URL, 誌名, 巻( 号), 開始ページ- 終了ページ, 出版年月(日)
1 | Tenk om Trump kunne spurt Mao [What if Trump had asked Mao] , Dagsavisen, , , 2025年03月
2 | Troops-for-Oil? The Real Reason Behind North Korea’s 'Going to War' in Ukraine , The National Interest, , , 2024年11月
3 | Den japanske kapitalismens vekst og fall [The rise and fall of Japanese capitalism] , Gnist, 51( 3), 66- 75, 2023年09月
4 | The errors of NATO’s East Asia engagement , East Asia Forum, , , 2023年08月
5 | Book review (in Norwegian). ‘Hitoshinsei no shihonron [Capital in the Anthropocene], by Saitō Kōhei. Published under the title ‘”Nedvekstkommunisme vil redde verden!” [‘Degrowth communism will save the world!’]’. , Gnist, 51( 1), 82- 87, 2023年03月
6 | Kapitalismen dreper planeten [Capitalism is killing the planet] , Dagsavisen, , , 2022年12月
7 | Book Review: 'Climate Change as Class War: Building Socialism on a Warming Planet' by Matthew T. Huber , Capital and Class, 46( 4), , 2022年11月
8 | No thaw in sight for Japan–North Korea relations , East Asia Forum, , , 2022年09月
9 | Is Japan's postwar pacifism dead? , The Diplomat, , , 2022年07月
10 | Book review: Hitoshinsei no Shihonron [Capital in the Anthropocene] by Saito Kohei , Marx & Philosophy Review of Books, , , 2022年07月
11 | As Japan sanctions Russian coal, it is high time to kick the habit altogether , Climate Home News, , , 2022年04月
12 | A Biden summit with Kim Jong-un would boost Kim’s legitimacy – so what? , Turkish Politics Quarterly, , , 2022年02月
13 | Can Japan's "new capitalism" help its workers? , The Japan Times, , , 2022年02月
14 | Can Japan's "new capitalism" help its workers? , The Diplomat, , , 2022年02月
15 | A Turning Point for Japan-US Climate Cooperation? , The Diplomat, , , 2021年10月
16 | Populism in Japan: Fascist, neoliberal and leftist variants (2) , Sōka Hōgaku, 50( 3), 59- 79, 2021年03月
17 | Populism in Japan: Fascist, neoliberal, and leftist variants (1) , Soka Hogaku, 50( 2), 27- 44, 2020年12月
18 | National Identity and Japanese Revisionism: Abe Shinzō’s Vision of a Beautiful Japan and Its Limits  , Social Science Japan Journal, , , 2020年07月16日
19 | Japan’s growing dependence on coal , East Asia Forum, , , 2020年03月
20 | Korean Reunification: Can the Dream Be Realized? , UI Brief, , , 2020年
21 | The North Korean abduction of Japanese citizens and the rise of the Japanese right , Sōka Hōgaku, 49( 2), 7- 21, 2019年12月
22 | The identity politics driving the Japan-South Korea trade war , East Asia Forum, , , 2019年11月
23 | Marketization in North Korea: Scenarios for economic, political and social change , UI Paper, , , 2019年
24 | A North Korean détente may intensify Sino-Japanese friction , The Asia Dialogue, , , 2018年07月
25 | The Trump-Kim summit – high risks and high rewards , Utrikesmagasinet, , , 2018年05月
講演・口頭発表等 |
No. | 講演・口頭発表タイトル, 会議名, 発表年月日, 主催者, 開催地
1 | Business, politics and global change: the roots of Sweden-DPRK normalization, The Nordic countries' relations with the DPR Korea (Turku University), 2023年11月24日, ,
2 | Sveriges relation med Nordkorea – 50 år av diplomati [Sweden’s relations with North Korea – 50 years of diplomacy], Open seminar at Medelhavsmuseet (Stockholm), 2023年08月30日, ,
3 | Sweden’s role on the Korean Peninsula, 1950-1985, Closed roundtable at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs (Stockholm), 2023年08月30日, ,
4 | The positive consequences of superpower détente: The case of Swedish-North Korean normalization in 1973, Peace Forum 2022: The U.S.-China strategic competition and its impact: Perspectives from South Korea, Japan and Taiwan, 2022年11月18日, ,
5 | What shaped Sweden-Korea relations in the 1970s?, What shaped Sweden-Korea relations in the 1970s?, 2022年08月18日, ,
6 | 本棚の中のヘイト:日本の書店における嫌韓本の跋扈の解明, 日本国際韓国学研究会, 2021年03月27日, ,
7 | Temporal identities and security policy in postwar Japan, Online book talk at King's College London, 2021年03月22日, ,
8 | Capitalism in the workers’ paradise: How marketization is (and isn’t) changing North Korea, Online guest lecture, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2021年03月19日, ,
9 | Online roundtable participant, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, EUrAsia 2021: the Pandemic, the Biden administration and their impact on European and Asian regionalisms, 2021年03月18日, ,
10 | Japan's discursive struggle over climate change, VSJF Fachgruppentagung 2020 (German Association for Social Science Research on Japan), 2020年11月21日, ,
11 | Abductions, nuclear weapons, and identity: Japan-North Korea relations in the postwar period, Guest lecture (Università Ca' Foscari Venezia), 2020年11月13日, ,
12 | A Critical Look at the Norwegian “Peace Nation”: Lessons for Japan, Peace Education Forum in Asia: Exploring Common Program for Peace Education among Asian Universities (Hanshin University, South Korea), 2020年01月15日, ,
13 | Breaking out of the postwar regime: How discursive struggles shape Japanese security policy, Contemporary Japan Group (Institute of Social Science, Tokyo University), 2019年10月04日, ,
14 | North Korea – Myth and Reality, Swedish Institute of International Affairs Seminar, 2018年03月12日, ,
15 | Long live pacifism! Narrative power and the demise of Japan’s pacifist model in international politics, The Power of Narratives in East Asian International Relations (The Swedish Defence University and the Swedish Institute of International Affairs), 2017年12月07日, ,
16 | Japanese Pacifism is Dead, Conference: Japan’s Changing Diplomatic and Security Practice (Joint Research Workshop in London between King’s College London and Freie Universität Berlin), 2017年10月26日, ,
17 | North Korea from a Japanese perspective: The impact of the abduction issue, North Korea and Japan: A Troubled Relationship (Axel & Margaret Ax:son Johnson Foundation, Sweden), 2017年10月12日, ,
18 | North Korea and its neighbors, A Night of Conflicts (Utrikespolitiska föreningen Växjö, Sweden), 2017年09月13日, ,
19 | The Death of Japan’s Pacifism, Nordic Association for the Study of Contemporary Japanese Society (Sweden), 2017年05月18日, ,
20 | Kim Jong-un’s first five years in power, North Korea and East Asian Security (Swedish Institute of International Affairs), 2017年03月17日, ,
21 | Japan’s Temporal Others: How the Past Has Shaped Japanese Postwar Security Policy, Nordic Association for the Study of Contemporary Japanese Society (Norway), 2016年04月28日, ,
22 | Discursive Power Struggle: How Discourses Enable and Constrain the US, Japan and China, 55th Annual Convention, International Studies Association (ISA, Canada), 2014年03月26日, ,
23 | What Peace Enables: From the “Normalisation” of Sino-Japanese Relations to the “Normalisation” of Japanese Security Policy, Global Power Shifts (Swedish Institute of International Affairs), 2013年08月28日, ,
24 | Japanese identity and the abduction issue: from “aggressor” to “victim”, from “pacifist” to “normal” country?, Nordic Association for the Study of Contemporary Japanese Society (Denmark), 2013年03月14日, ,