書籍等出版物 |
No. | タイトル URL, 担当区分, 出版社, 出版年月, 担当範囲, ISBN
1 | Understanding Environmental Civil Society Activism in Bangladesh’ in: Fahimul Quadir and Yutaka Tsujinaka. Civil Society in South Asia: In search of Democracy and Development. , 共著, Ashgate Publishing Limited, UK., 2015年04月, ,
2 | Civil Society in South Asia: In search of Democracy and Development , , Ashgate Publishing Limited, UK., 2015年, , 1472423313
3 | Civil Society in South Asia: In search of Democracy and Development , , Ashgate Publishing Limited, UK., 2015年, , 1472423313
4 | Governing the Forests: An Institutional Analysis of REDD+ and Community Forest Management in Asia , , United Nations University and International Tropical Timber Organization, 2013年, , 9789280845457
5 | Governing the Forests: An Institutional Analysis of REDD+ and Community Forest Management in Asia , , the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) and the United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS), 2013年, , 9789280845457
6 | Governing the Forests: An Institutional Analysis of REDD+ and Community Forest Management in Asia , , United Nations University and International Tropical Timber Organization, 2013年, , 9789280845457
7 | Governing the Forests: An Institutional Analysis of REDD+ and Community Forest Management in Asia , , the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) and the United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS), 2013年, , 9789280845457
講演・口頭発表等 |
No. | 講演・口頭発表タイトル, 会議名, 発表年月日, 主催者, 開催地
1 | Neo-liberal Environmentalism and Fantasy in the Global Climate Change-A post-structuralist discursive analysis, International Conference in Ideology and Discourse Analysis, University of Essex,UK, 2019年05月, ,
2 | The political economy of the green economy -A post-structuralist discursive analysis, Discourse Theory: Ways Forward, 2019 Brussels, Belgium., 2019年02月, ,
3 | The Political Economy of the Global Climate Change Adaptation Initiatives: A Case Study on the Global Environmental Facility, the ICAEE 2017: 19th International Conference on Anthropology, Evolution and Environment, Barcelona, Spain on August, 17-18, 2017, 2017年, ,
4 | The Political Economy of the Global Climate Change Adaptation Initiatives: A Case Study on the Global Environmental Facility, the ICAEE 2017: 19th International Conference on Anthropology, Evolution and Environment, Barcelona, Spain on August, 17-18, 2017, 2017年, ,
5 | Environmental Diplomacy: Contextualizing the Rationality of Treaty Negotiations, the ISA’s 57th Annual Convention, March 16th-19th, 2016, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 2016年, ,
6 | Environmental Diplomacy: Contextualizing the Rationality of Treaty Negotiations, the ISA’s 57th Annual Convention, March 16th-19th, 2016, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 2016年, ,
7 | Resource Entitlement and Social Vulnerability to Climate Change in Bangladesh: Experience of Community based Conservation Initiatives, International Association for the Study of the Commons -15th Biennial Global Conference, May 25-29, 2015, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 2015年, ,
8 | Resource Entitlement and Social Vulnerability to Climate Change in Bangladesh: Experience of Community based Conservation Initiatives, International Association for the Study of the Commons -15th Biennial Global Conference, May 25-29, 2015, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 2015年, ,
9 | The Global Environmental Policy Network in Contemporary Japan, the 85th Annual Meeting of Southern Political Science Association (SPSA), New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, January 9-11, 2014, 2014年, ,
10 | The Post-Kyoto Climate Policy Development in Japan, The Global Public Policy Symposium, University of Riverside, California, USA, December 5-6, 2014, 2014年, ,
11 | The Global Environmental Policy Network in Contemporary Japan, the 85th Annual Meeting of Southern Political Science Association (SPSA), New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, January 9-11, 2014, 2014年, ,
12 | The Post-Kyoto Climate Policy Development in Japan, The Global Public Policy Symposium, University of Riverside, California, USA, December 5-6, 2014, 2014年, ,
13 | Emerging role of Community Forest Management in Reducing Carbon Emission, Capacity Building Workshop on Carbon Governance in Asia: Bridging Scales and Disciplines, 1-3 November, Institute of Advanced Studies of the United Nations University (UNU-IAS), Yokohama, Japan, 2010年, ,
14 | Emerging role of Community Forest Management in Reducing Carbon Emission, Capacity Building Workshop on Carbon Governance in Asia: Bridging Scales and Disciplines, 1-3 November, Institute of Advanced Studies of the United Nations University (UNU-IAS), Yokohama, Japan, 2010年, ,
15 | Protected Area Co-management in Bangladesh-Can enhance the adaptation of the forest communities, International Conference on Environmental Aspects of Bangladesh (ICEAB), September, University of Kitakyushu, Japan, 2010年, ,
16 | Protected Area Co-management in Bangladesh-Can enhance the adaptation of the forest communities, International Conference on Environmental Aspects of Bangladesh (ICEAB), September, University of Kitakyushu, Japan, 2010年, ,
17 | Water crises in Bangladesh: A case study in environmental security, 2nd ASEAN post graduate seminar 2006, December 4-6, University of Malaya, 2006年, ,
18 | The emerging role of civil society for water governance in Bangladesh, Seminar on Special Research Project on Civil Society, the State and Culture in Comparative Perspective, Tsukuba: University of Tsukuba, Japan, 2006年, ,
19 | Water crises in Bangladesh: A case study in environmental security, 2nd ASEAN post graduate seminar 2006, December 4-6, University of Malaya, 2006年, ,
20 | The emerging role of civil society for water governance in Bangladesh, Seminar on Special Research Project on Civil Society, the State and Culture in Comparative Perspective, Tsukuba: University of Tsukuba, Japan, 2006年, ,