論文 |
No. | 論文タイトル URL, 誌名(出版物名), 巻( 号), 開始ページ- 終了ページ, 出版年月, DOI
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9 | パッチクランプ法による海馬錐体細胞に対する532nm低出力レーザー照射効果の検討 , レーザー研究, RTM-12, 37- 41, 2013年11月,
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21 | 海馬の抑制性神経細胞におけるニコチン性α7受容体の集団形成:シナプス活性と神経成長因子による制御 , Journal of Neuroscience, 22( 18), 7903- 7912, 2002年09月,
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26 | 数種類のコリン作動性リガンドとニコチン性アセチルコリン受容体との相互作用 , 博士学位論文, , , 1998年05月,
講演・口頭発表等 |
No. | 講演・口頭発表タイトル, 会議名, 発表年月日, 主催者, 開催地
1 | 生後初期のマウス感覚皮質における皮質上層形成及び視床皮質系軸索終末形成の比較, 第102回日本生理学会大会, 2025年03月19日, ,
2 | 一次視覚皮質におけるオリゴデンドロサイト前駆細胞増殖への視覚経験の影響, 第47回日本神経科学学会大会, 2024年07月24日, ,
3 | 一次聴覚皮質第5層遠心性投射ニューロンの分布と機能への母体甲状腺機能低下症の影響, 第47回日本神経科学学会大会, 2024年07月24日, ,
4 | マウス一次聴覚皮質における視床・皮質系誘導による神経回路活動のニコチン性の影響, 第101回日本生理学会大会, 2024年03月30日, ,
5 | マウス一次聴覚皮質における視床・皮質系入力誘導によるフィードフォーワード処理のニコチン性制御, アジア・オセアニア生理学会会議, 2023年11月02日, ,
6 | マウス聴覚皮質における感覚フィルタリングのニコチン性制御, 第99回日本生理学会大会, 2022年03月16日, ,
7 | マウス聴覚皮質におけるトーン誘導応答の時空的及び強度変化のニコチン性制御, 第98回日本生理学会大会, 2021年03月30日, 日本生理学会, 名古屋
8 | Nicotinic regulation of sound-evoked responses in mouse auditory cortex: A study using transcranial flavoprotein autofluorescence., 第44回耳鼻咽喉学研究協会ミッドウィンター会議, 2021年02月22日, ,
9 | Cell morphology-specific nicotine regulation of excitatory synapse in mouse primary auditory cortex., 第49回神経科学大会, 2019年10月22日, ,
10 | Oligodendrocyte progenitor cells during development and upon sensory loss in mouse visual cortex., 第49回神経科学学会大会, 2019年10月21日, ,
11 | The involvement of neuritin 1 in the recovery of middle cerebral artery occulusion by enriched environment in mice., 第42回日本神経科学大会, 2019年07月26日, ,
12 | Oligodendrocyte progenitor cells during development and upon sensory loss in mouse visual cortex, 第96回日本生理学会, 2019年03月29日, ,
13 | Influence of early-onset maternal hypothyroidism on distribution and function of layer 5 corticocollicular neurons in mouse auditory cortex., 第42回耳鼻咽喉学研究協会ミッドウィンター会議, 2019年02月11日, ,
14 | Nicotinic regulation of sound-evoked activities by protein kinase A in mouse primary auditory cortex, 第95回日本生理学会大会, 2018年03月28日, ,
15 | マウス聴覚皮質での甲状腺ホルモン低下症の影響, 第47回神経科学学会年次大会, 2017年11月, ,
16 | Nicotine regulates the tone frequency selectivity via protein kinase A in primary auditory cortex., 第40回日本神経科学大会, 2017年07月, ,
17 | Cortical laminar development differs among primary sensory cortexes in postnatal mice., 第40回日本神経科学大会, 2017年07月, ,
18 | Nicotinic regulation of gamma frequency and inhibitory activities in the thalamocortical input layers of mouse primary auditory cortex., 第40回日本神経科学大会, 2017年07月, ,
19 | Laminar development of primary visual cortex in postnatal mice., 第40回日本神経科学大会, 2017年07月, ,
20 | 中大脳動脈梗塞マウスモデルにおける皮質梗塞回復へのニューリチン1の影響, The 26th European Stroke Conference, 2017年05月, ,
21 | Nicotinic cholinergic regulation of early sensory processing in primary auditory cortex, The 4th RIKEN / Karolinska Institutet / SciLifeLab Joint Symposium, 2017, 2017年, ,
22 | Acoustic stimuli-induced CREB phosphorylation via sustained MAPK signaling under somatosensory interference in auditory cortex., Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 2016,39th Annual Mid-Winter Meeting., 2016年, ,
23 | Visual deprivation enhances the excitability of layer 3/4 pyramidal neurons of primary auditory cortex., Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 2016年, ,
24 | Early postnatal development of primary auditory and somatosensory cortexes in mouse hypothyroidism, 第 39 回日本神経科学大会, 2016年, ,
25 | Nicotinic activation of protein kinase A modulates excitatory synapses in pyramidal neurons to regulate sound-evoked responses in the thalamocortical input layers of mouse auditory cortex., Society of Neuroscience,2016, 2016年, ,
26 | Proliferation of neural progenitor cells in visual cortex of enucleated mice, 第 39 回日本神経科学学会, 2016年, ,
27 | Acoustic stimuli-induced CREB phosphorylation via sustained MAPK signaling under somatosensory interference in auditory cortex., Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 2016,39th Annual Mid-Winter Meeting., 2016年, ,
28 | Proliferation of neural progenitor cells in visual cortex of enucleated mice, 39th Japan Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, 2016年, ,
29 | Early postnatal development of primary auditory and somatosensory cortexes in mouse hypothyroidism, 39th Japan Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, 2016年, ,
30 | Nicotinic activation of protein kinase A modulates excitatory synapses in pyramidal neurons to regulate sound-evoked responses in the thalamocortical input layers of mouse auditory cortex., Society of Neuroscience,2016, 2016年, ,
31 | Visual deprivation enhances the excitability of layer 3/4 pyramidal neurons of primary auditory cortex., Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 2016年, ,
32 | Enucleation prevented CREB activation induced by auditory and somatosensory information in auditory cortex., Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 2015年, ,
33 | Nicotinic enhancement of sound-evoked responses in auditory cortex involves phosporylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases and GluA1 subunit of AMPA receptors., Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 2015年, ,
34 | Laminar distribution of neurogranin-immunopositive cells during early postnatal development in mouse auditory cortex and influence of maternal thyroid hormone deficiency., Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 2015年, ,
35 | Laminar distribution of neurogranin-immunopositive cells during early postnatal development in mouse auditory cortex and influence of maternal thyroid hormone deficiency., Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 2015年, ,
36 | Nicotinic enhancement of sound-evoked responses in auditory cortex involves phosporylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases and GluA1 subunit of AMPA receptors., Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 2015年, ,
37 | Enucleation prevented CREB activation induced by auditory and somatosensory information in auditory cortex., Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 2015年, ,
38 | Maternal thyroid hormone deficiency influences the development of neurogranin-expressing neurons in mouse auditory cortex., 2nd International Postgraduate Conference on Biotechnology, 2014年, ,
39 | Control of intrinsic excitability of layer 3/4 neurons in primary auditory cortex of blind mice., Japan Neuroscience Society, 2014年, ,
40 | Maternal thyroid hormone deficiency influences the development of neurogranin-expressing neurons in mouse auditory cortex., 2nd International Postgraduate Conference on Biotechnology, 2014年, ,
41 | Control of intrinsic excitability of layer 3/4 neurons in primary auditory cortex of blind mice., Japan Neuroscience Society, 2014年, ,
42 | Convergence of nicotinic activation and sound evoked neural activities to ERK in auditory cortex, Neuro2012: Japan Neuroscience Society annual meeting, 2012年, ,
43 | Nicotinic activation and sound evoked neural activity converge to elevate ERK activation in auditory cortex., Neuroscience2012: Society for Neuroscience annual meeting, 2012年, ,
44 | Layer-dependent regulation of intrinsic membrane properties and neuronal excitability by 660 nm low-intensity laser light in mouse auditory cortex., Neuroscience2012: Society for Neuroscience annual meeting, 2012年, ,
45 | Nicotinic activation and sound evoked neural activity converge to elevate ERK activation in auditory cortex., Neuroscience2012: Society for Neuroscience annual meeting, 2012年, ,
46 | Layer-dependent regulation of intrinsic membrane properties and neuronal excitability by 660 nm low-intensity laser light in mouse auditory cortex., Neuroscience2012: Society for Neuroscience annual meeting, 2012年, ,
47 | Convergence of nicotinic activation and sound evoked neural activities to ERK in auditory cortex, Neuro2012: Japan Neuroscience Society annual meeting, 2012年, ,