書籍等出版物 |
No. | タイトル URL, 担当区分, 出版社, 出版年月, 担当範囲, ISBN
1 | Applied linguistics in the Indonesian context : Society, culture and language , 編者(編著者), Springer, 2024年09月, , 9789819723355
2 | English language teacher preparation in Asia: Policy, research and practice  , 編者(編著者), Routledge, 2018年08月, 138-156 (with Takatama); 281-297 (with Maggioli), 9781138095366
3 | Supporting Underrepresented EIL Authors: Challenges and Strategies , 共著, IDP Education, Pty Ltd., Melbourne, Australia, 2011年, 1-20, 9789996358401
4 | English Language Teaching Practice in Asia , , IDP Education, Pty, Ltd., Melbourne, Australia, 2011年, , 9789996358401
5 | Supporting Underrepresented EIL Authors: Challenges and Strategies , , IDP Education, Pty Ltd., Melbourne, Australia, 2011年, , 9789996358401
6 | Integrating Skills in the EFL Classroom , , IDP Education Pty Ltd., Melbourne, Australia, 2011年, , 9789996358401
7 | Integrating Skills in the EFL Classroom , 共著, IDP Education Pty Ltd., Melbourne, Australia, 2011年, 86-108, 9789996358401
8 | English Language Teaching Practice in Asia , 編者(編著者), IDP Education, Pty, Ltd., Melbourne, Australia, 2011年, , 9789996358401
論文 |
No. | 論文タイトル URL, 誌名(出版物名), 巻( 号), 開始ページ- 終了ページ, 出版年月, DOI
1 |
2 | A Preliminary Report: Examining Pre-service Teacher Education, Teaching Practices, and Linguistic Diversity in the Indonesian Context , , , 97- 114, 2024年09月,
3 | Applied Linguistics in the Social Sciences and the Indonesian Context , , , 3- 11, 2024年09月,
4 | An examination of effective educational leadership in the Indonesian context: Leaders in secondary schools , The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL, 12( 2), 163- 176, 2023年,
5 | Book Review: Professionalizing Your English Language Teaching. Christine Coombe, Neil J. Anderson, and Lauren Stephenson (Eds.) , JALT Journal, 44( 1), 192- 195, 2022年,
6 | Developing an English as a Global Language (EGL) Pedagogy in a TESOL Graduate Program: Examining Progress, Challenges and Opportunities , In Leung, Y. (Ed.). Reflection on English Teaching and Learning in the Diversified and Multilingual World. Taipei, Taiwan: ETA-ROC, , , 2021年11月,
7 | Transitioning from Emergency Remote Teaching to Online Learning: Progress, Lessons Learned, and the Way Forward in the Japanese Context , Selected Papers from the Twenty-ninth International Symposium on English Teaching (ETA-ROC Conference), , 139- 152, 2020年11月,
8 | Developing competencies for the “global community”: What is the role of English language educators? , Commemorative Festschrift of the English Language Teachers Association, Republic of China, Reconceptualizing English Language Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century, in memory of Professor Kai-chong Cheung, , -- , 2018年11月,
講演・口頭発表等 |
No. | 講演・口頭発表タイトル, 会議名, 発表年月日, 主催者, 開催地
1 | Increasing confidence and decreasing stress: Using Pecha Kucha presentations with EAP learners, 20th Annual CamTESOL Conference, 2024年02月, ,
2 | Integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into a university EAP course, 28th NELTA International Conference 2024, 2024年02月, ,
3 | Developing critical thinking skills through Global Citizenship Education, 28th NELTA International Conference 2024, 2024年02月, ,
4 | Providing learners with effective instructions (Panel discussion), 20th Annual CamTESOL Conference, 2024年02月, ,
5 | Helping learners develop a global view: Integrating Global Citizenship Education and critical thinking skills into an EAP course, 20th Annual CamTESOL Conference, 2024年02月, ,
6 | Rethinking the Pedagogy of Teacher Education (Panel discussion), 28th NELTA International Conference 2024, 2024年02月, ,
7 | Integrating Global Citizenship Education: Critical thinking skills and depth of knowledge in an EAP Course, 43rd Thailand TESOL International Conference 2024, 2024年01月, ,
8 | Teaching in different countries: Opportunities and Challenges, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, University of Papua, Seminar, 2023年09月, ,
9 | Trends in English Language Education: Your role as a TEFL professional, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, Student Teacher Education Development Series, 2023年08月, ,
10 | Creating your future, SMA Bali Mandara and SMK Bali Mandara, Special Lecture, 2023年08月, ,
11 | Lessons from the field: Effective approaches to improve classroom practice, 19th JETA CONFERENCE Jogja English Teachers Association (JETA), 2022年08月, ,
12 | Challenges and Successes in Diverse Contexts: Investigating English Language Education in Indonesia, 20th AsiaTEFL - 68th TEFLIN - 5th iNELTAL 2022, 2022年08月, ,
13 | English education in West Papua: Challenges and professional development needs, IATEFL 54th International Conference and Exhibition, 2022年05月, ,
14 | Teaching in rural communities: Addressing challenges in English language education in West Papua Province, Indonesia, 18th Annual CamTESOL Conference, Changing Approaches and Expanding Dimensions in Global ELT, 2022年02月, ,
15 | Effective educational leadership in Indonesia: How can leaders be supported in secondary schools?, 18th Annual CamTESOL Conference, Changing Approaches and Expanding Dimensions in Global ELT, 2022年02月, ,
16 | English language education in rural communities: How teachers overcome challenges in West Papua Province, Indonesia, The 41st Thailand TESOL International Virtual Conference 2022 "ELT in the Digital Era and Beyond: Innovation, Engagement, and Resilience”, 2022年01月, ,
17 | PALT International Forum - Policies and Programs for Learning Loss: The Context in Japan, 60th Anniversary PALT International Conference on Language Education and 2021 Pan-Asian Consortium of Language Teaching Societies (PAC), 2021年12月, ,
18 | Recognizing Global Varieties of English in a Masters Program in TESOL, 60th Anniversary PALT International Conference on Language Education and 2021 Pan-Asian Consortium of Language Teaching Societies (PAC), 2021年12月, ,
19 | Effective educational leadership in the Indonesian context: Leaders in secondary schools, 67th TEFLIN International Virtual Conference & The 9th ICOELT, 2021年09月, ,
20 | English language education in West Papua Province: Challenges, successes, and recommendations for professional development, 67th TEFLIN International Virtual Conference & The 9th ICOELT, 2021年09月, ,
21 | Visiting faculty members: Providing unique educational opportunities for TESOL graduate students, IATEFL 54th International Conference and Exhibition, 2021年06月, ,
22 | From Emergency Remote Teaching to Online Learning: Planning an effective transition, The 29th International Symposium on English Teaching, 2020年11月, ,
23 | Responding to the pandemic in Japan: Educational successes, shortcomings, and future opportunities, Nepal English Language Teachers’ Association (NELTA) International Virtual Think-In, 2020年09月, ,
24 | Developing a Global Citizenship Program: Challenges, successes and lessons learned, 39th Thailand TESOL International Conference: Featured Speaker,, 2020年01月, ,
25 | English in multilingual and multicultural contexts: Strategies for effective teachers, TESOL-NELTA Regional Conference and Symposium 2019: Plenary, 2019年11月, ,
26 | Preparing for Industry 4.0: Opportunities and challenges for Indonesian education, The 2nd Educational Sciences International Conference (ESIC 2019), Mulawarman University: Plenary, 2019年09月, ,
27 | Meeting the needs of diverse students: What can we learn from the Indonesian context?, 66th TEFLIN International Conference and English Language Education EXPO: Plenary, 2019年08月, ,
28 | In response to diversity: Allowing for voice and identity through language education, International University Symposium on Humanities and Arts, Faculty of Humanities: Plenary, 2019年07月, ,
29 | The Role of language educators in the development of learners’ “Global” Competencies, 7th Open TESOL International Conference: Plenary, 2019年05月, ,
30 | Developing students’ autonomy through professional development for instructors, 7th Open TESOL International Conference: Workshop, 2019年05月, ,
31 | Developing a Global Citizenship Program: Challenges, successes and lessons learned, 39th Thailand TESOL International Conference, 2019年01月, ,
32 | Colloquium: Challenges, changes and opportunities for English language teaching professionals, 39th Thailand TESOL International Conference: Colloquium, 2019年01月, ,
33 | Plenary, Meeting the needs of diverse International Student populations in Japan, Far Eastern English Language Teachers’ Association – 12th FEELTA International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning, 2018年10月, ,
34 | Meeting the needs of diverse International Student populations: Coordinating Administration, Teachers and Students, 5th International Conference on Linguistics: Structure, Use and Meaning (SUM) – Language Policies and Practices in Institutional Settings, 2018年09月, ,
35 | Developing learners’ competencies for Global Citizenship: The role of language educators, Osaka Chapter of JALT TechDayPlus Conference, 2018年09月, ,
36 | Meeting the Needs of a Diverse International Student Population: The Response of a Japanese Graduate Program, Nepal English Language Teachers’ Association 23rd International Conference, 2018年02月, ,
37 | Language Education in Asia: Successfully Conducting and Publishing Research, 7th CamTESOL Conference, 2011年, ,
38 | Implementing a systematic approach to teaching and developing cultural understanding, PAC 2011 and 20th International Symposium on English Teaching and Book Fair, Teachers’ Association/ Republic of China (ETA-ROC), 2011年, ,
39 | Effectively Preparing Students to Join a Global Community, 31st Annual ThaiTESOL International Conference, 2011年, ,
40 | Implementing a systematic approach to teaching and developing cultural understanding, PAC 2011 and 20th International Symposium on English Teaching and Book Fair, Teachers’ Association/ Republic of China (ETA-ROC), 2011年, ,
41 | Effectively Preparing Students to Join a Global Community, 31st Annual ThaiTESOL International Conference, 2011年, ,
42 | Language Education in Asia: Successfully Conducting and Publishing Research, 7th CamTESOL Conference, 2011年, ,
43 | Integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into a University EAP Course, iTELL Conference 2024 Indonesia Technology-Enhanced Language Learning, , ,
44 | Global Issues and English Language Education: Integrating English, Critical Thinking Skills and Global Understanding in an EAP Course, 18th International 54th Annual ELTAI Conference, , ,
45 | Symposium: Do Books and Reading Have a Future?, 18th International 54th Annual ELTAI Conference, , ,