FD活動への参加 |
No. | 実施年月, 主催団体名, 研修名
1 | 2024年01月, Soka University, Harassment Training for Mutual Respect and Protection
2 | 2023年11月, World Language Center, Soka Learning Support Services
3 | 2023年11月, Japan Association for Language Teaching (Annual International Conference), 49th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials Exhibition
4 | 2023年09月, JALT's Intercultural Communication in Language Education SIG's, The 2023 ICLE / GILE SIG Joint Conference
5 | 2023年06月, Soka University, General Education Courses Faculty Meeting
6 | 2023年06月, Diversity Inclusion Promotion Center, Soka University, Spring Female Faculty Salon: Japanese higher education: Does Globalization enhance Competitiveness?
7 | 2023年06月, Global Core Center, One Size Does Not Fit All: Designing Assessment for the Gen Z Learners ⇒we will also share some materials from the previous session (Theme: Technology-based Learning in HyFlex Instruction in the Post-Pandemic Pedagogy)
8 | 2023年06月, 創価大学, 第1回「English系科目群」科目担当者会
9 | 2023年06月, 創価大学, 女性教員サロン
10 | 2023年04月, 創価大学, 事業報告会
11 | 2023年03月, Japan Intercultural Institute, JII Learning Circle Series What are “the basics”? Discussion: The Goals of Cultural Learning
12 | 2023年01月, Japan Intercultural Institute, JII Learning Circle Series What are “the basics”? Discussion: Talking about cultural difference
13 | 2022年11月, Japan Association for Language Teaching (Annual International Conference), 48th Annual Conference on Language Teaching and Learning: Learning from Students, Educating Teachers—Research and Practice
14 | 2022年11月, 創価大学, D&I推進センター 女性教員サロン
15 | 2022年11月, Japan Intercultural Institute, JII Learning Circle Series What’s wrong with intercultural theory? Discussion: The future of intercultural education theory
16 | 2022年11月, Gender Inclusion Promotion Center, Soka University, Fall Female Faculty Salon: The myth of bringing your full, authentic self to work - TED
17 | 2022年11月, Global Core Center, FD Seminar: Major Trends and Critical Issues in Higher Education During Challenging Times – a bilingual speaking TESOL professional’s perspectives
18 | 2022年09月, JALT's Intercultural Communication in Language Education SIG's, 2nd Annual ICLE SIG Conference
19 | 2022年09月, Japan Intercultural Institute, JII Learning Circle Series What’s wrong with intercultural theory? Panel discussion: Beyond WEIRD intercultural theory.
20 | 2022年07月, Japan Intercultural Institute, JII Learning Circle Series What’s wrong with intercultural theory? Discussion: Intercultural concepts – What’s useful?
21 | 2022年06月, 創価大学, 科目担当者会English系科目
22 | 2022年06月, 創価大学, 女性教員サロン
23 | 2022年06月, Soka University, Faculty meeting for General Education courses
24 | 2022年05月, 創価大学, 事業説明会
25 | 2022年05月, Japan Intercultural Institute, JII Learning Circle Series Bias and intercultural understanding: What types of bias are there?
26 | 2022年03月, Japan Intercultural Institute, JII Learning Circle Series: Bias and intercultural understanding – What types of bias are there?
27 | 2022年01月, Japan Intercultural Institute, JII Learning Circle Series: Bias and intercultural understanding – What is Bias?
28 | 2021年11月, Japan Intercultural Institute, JII Learning Circle: The C Factor: The Overlooked Dynamic of the Social Brain
29 | 2021年11月, Japan Association for Language Teaching (Annual International Conference), JALT 2021: Reflections and New Perspectives
30 | 2021年11月, Gender Equality Promotion Center, Soka University, Female Faculty Salon: Discussion of the 2021 Harvard Business Review's "The Fallacy of the Imposter Syndrome for Women"
31 | 2021年09月, Japan Intercultural Institute, JII Learning Circle: Transformative learning: Investigating perspective changes during a virtual exchange project
32 | 2021年07月, Japan Intercultural Institute, JII Learning Circle: Translating Deep Culture – Expanding Intercultural Education in Turkey
33 | 2021年07月, Gender Equality Promotion Center, Soka University, Female Faculty Salon: Soka University's 2030 Grand Design: A Gendered Perspective. Where do you see yourself in the 2030 Grand Design?
34 | 2021年06月, JALT's Intercultural Communication in Language Education SIG's, ICLE Annual Conference: Intercultural Communication in Language Education
35 | 2021年06月, Japan Intercultural Institute, JII Learning Circle: Hanako’s Story – A Deep Culture Difference Activity
36 | 2020年11月, Japan Association for Language Teaching (Annual International Conference), ICLE Forum: IC and Communities of Practice--Connections and Insights
37 | 2020年11月, World Language Center, Soka University, Dr. Steve Fukuda: How does the Guided Autonomy Syllabus and Formative Assessment Develop Self-Regulated EFL Learning Skills?
38 | 2020年11月, Gender Equality Promotion Center, Soka University, Female Faculty Salon
39 | 2020年10月, Faculty of International Liberal Arts, Soka University, FILA Research Seminar 2: Dr Johanna Zulueta's (FILA/SIPS) Webinar
40 | 2020年07月, Japan Intercultural Institute, JII Learning Circle: Language, Culture and the Embodied Mind Chapter 5 Discussion
41 | 2020年06月, World Language Center, Soka University, PD session for EMP instructors
42 | 2020年06月, School of Excellence in Educational Development, Soka University,, Faculty Meeting regarding 2020 General Education Courses
43 | 2020年06月, Japan Intercultural Institute, JII Learning Circle: Language, Culture and the Embodied Mind Chapter 2 Discussion
44 | 2020年02月, Soka University, Action Learning Meeting (AP Reflections in Academic Writing)
45 | 2020年01月, Japan Intercultural Institute (JII), JII Learning Circle: Language, Culture, and the Embodied Mind--Chapter 1 Discussion
46 | 2020年01月, Gender Equality Promotion Center, Female Faculty Salon "Higher Education in 2020: Trends and Challenges Facing Women"
47 | 2019年12月, World Language Center, Globalization, multiculturalism and the teaching of purposive communication in the Philippines
48 | 2019年11月, Soka University, English as a Global Medium of Instruction
49 | 2019年10月, Soka University, Campus Harassment Prevention Training Session
50 | 2019年09月, Japan Intercultural Institute (JII), JII Learning Circle: Creating a Cross-Cultural Understanding Course: Insights and Challenges
51 | 2019年07月, Faculty of International Liberal Arts (FILA), FILA Research Seminar: Religion and Finance in the Modern World: A Quest for an Identity
52 | 2019年07月, Faculty of International Liberal Arts (FILA), FILA Research Seminar: Reforming the United Nations
53 | 2019年06月, Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) Tokyo Chapter, Fostering Intercultural Understanding through Comparing and Contrasting Cultural Events
54 | 2019年06月, Japan Intercultural Institute (JII), JII Special Learning Circle Half-Day Workshop: Engaging students with the Linguaculture Motivation Profiler
55 | 2019年06月, Gender Equality Promotion Center, Women's Leadership Salon: "SDGs and Soka Women"
56 | 2019年06月, JALT Tokyo Chapter + JALT ICLE SIG, Fostering Intercultural Understanding through Comparing and Contrasting Cultural Events
57 | 2019年05月, Japan Intercultural Institute (JII), JII Learning Circle: Language and Culture in the Lower-level Classroom--Best Practices
58 | 2019年02月, Japan Intercultural Institute (JII), 'Caught in the loop': The engagement-resistance cycle in intercultural encounters--JII Learning Circle
59 | 2019年02月, Soka University, Action Learning Session (1 Day Workshop)
60 | 2019年01月, Japan Intercultural Institute (JII), Welcome to the Pelican Family! Simulating an intercultural encounter in your classroom--JII Learning Circle
61 | 2018年12月, Soka University, Analyzing the Beliefs, Events, and Values Inventory (BEVI)
62 | 2018年12月, Soka University, Women's Leadership Salon
63 | 2018年10月, Soka University, Women's Leadership Salon
64 | 2018年10月, World Language Center, Soka University, Teaching English Language Learners Through Sheltered Instruction
65 | 2018年09月, Japan Intercultural Institute (JII), Culture (Shocking) your Students: Pedagogical Considerations for Intercultural Communication Education--JII Learning Circle
66 | 2018年07月, FILA, 1st FILA Faculty Development Seminar
67 | 2018年06月, Soka University - Thammasat University, Pedagogy for Student-Centered Teaching and Transforming Knowledge into Wisdom toward Peace
68 | 2018年06月, Japan Intercultural Institute (JII), Motivated Empathy and the Willingness to Change: Implications for Intercultural Adaptation--JII Learning Circle
69 | 2018年05月, World Language Center, Soka University, Submitting an IRB Application
70 | 2018年04月, Soka University, 2018 Soka University's Project Vision Explanatory Meeting
71 | 2017年12月, Japan Intercultural Institute (JII), Linguaculture Resistance and its Effects on Learner Motivation
72 | 2017年12月, Japan Intercultural Institute (JII), Linguaculture Learning Research Project Session
73 | 2017年10月, Faculty of Education, Locating Education in Relationality – Posthumanism and Educational Research
74 | 2017年08月, Soka University, Active Learning in Higher Education (2 day workshop)
75 | 2017年06月, Japan Intercultural Institute (JII), JII One-day Intensive Seminar Linguaculture Learning—Theory, research and classroom practice
76 | 2017年04月, Soka University, 2017 Soka University's Project Vision Explanatory Meeting
77 | 2017年01月, Japan Intercultural Institute (JII), Linguaculture Research Study Session
78 | 2016年12月, World Language Center, Striking a Balance in the Development and Delivery of English-medium Courses
79 | 2016年06月, Japan Intercultural Institute, Linguaculture Research Study Session
80 | 2016年05月, Soka University, 2016 Soka University's Project Vision Explanatory Meeting
81 | 2016年05月, Soka University, 2016 Women's Leadership Salon: May Session
82 | 2016年05月, Soka University, Faculty Development Session: How to Measure Study Abroad Learning Outcomes
83 | 2016年05月, Soka University, WLC Professional Development Session: Authentic Course Design & Managing Stakeholder Expectations
84 | 2016年03月, Japan Association for Language Teaching's Framework and Language Portfolio Special Interest Group, Critical, constructive assessment of CEFR-based language teaching in Japan and beyond
85 | 2016年03月, Soka University, Explanatory Meeting for Digital Teaching Material Copyright
86 | 2016年01月, Soka University/FILA, FILA Research Seminar: Quantitative Research on Corporate Social Responsibility
87 | 2016年01月, Japan Intercultural Institute, Linguaculture Research Study Session
88 | 2015年12月, Japan Intercultural Institute, Linguaculture Learning Study Session
89 | 2015年12月, Soka University, 2015 Women's Leadership Salon: December Session
90 | 2015年10月, Soka University/WLC, WLC Professional Development Sessions: Integrating Content and Language Integrated Learning with the Reciprocal Teaching Method / Dictogloss
91 | 2015年10月, Japan Intercultural Institute, Cultural Learning in the Foreign Language Classroom Open Seminar
92 | 2015年07月, Japan Intercultural Institute, JII's The Linguaculture Classroom Seminar Series: Seminar 7
93 | 2015年06月, Japan Intercultural Institute, JII's The Linguaculture Classroom Seminar Series: Seminar 6
94 | 2015年05月, FILA, FILA Research Seminar: Traits of Global Citizenship for Better Inter-Ethnic Relations
95 | 2015年04月, Soka University, 2015 Women's Leadership Salon: April Session
96 | 2015年03月, FILA, FILA FD program: March
97 | 2015年03月, FILA, FILA Research Seminar: Democratic Interaction in Mass Society, Old and New: Karl Mannheim and Iris Marion Young
98 | 2015年03月, Japan Intercultural Institute, JII's The Linguaculture Classroom Seminar Series: Seminar 4
99 | 2015年02月, Japan Intercultural Institute, JII's The Linguaculture Classroom Seminar Series: Seminar 3
100 | 2015年02月, FILA, FILA Research Seminar: The Construction of Historical GDP Estimates of Singapore, 1870-1900 at Current and Constant Prices: Progress and Perspective
101 | 2015年01月, Japan Intercultural Institute, JII's The Linguaculture Classroom Seminar Series: Seminar 2
102 | 2014年12月, Japan Intercultural Institute, JII's The Linguaculture Classroom Seminar Series: Seminar 1
103 | 2014年07月, Japan Intercultural Institute, JII's Deep Culture and Language Education Seminar Series: Integrated Language and Culture Learning
104 | 2014年06月, Japan Intercultural Institute, JII's Deep Culture and Language Education Seminar Series: Language, Culture, and the Intuitive Mind
105 | 2014年05月, Japan Intercultural Institute, JII's Deep Culture and Language Education Seminar Series: Language Learning and the Brain
106 | 2014年04月, Japan Intercultural Institute, JII's Deep Culture and Language Education Seminar Series: The Language-Culture Connection
107 | 2014年03月, Japan Intercultural Institute, JII's Deep Culture and Language Education Seminar Series: Approaches to language and intercultural communication
108 | 2013年11月, Japan Intercultural Institute, JII Intensive Seminar - Leading Across Cultures
109 | 2013年11月, Soka University/WLC, Implementing English-medium Courses
110 | 2013年10月, Japan Association for Language Teaching, The Annual International Conference of the Japan Association for Language Teaching: JALT 2013
111 | 2012年10月, Japan Association for Language Teaching, The Annual International Conference of the Japan Association for Language Teaching: JALT 2012
112 | 2012年10月, Soka University/WLC/ILE, Current issues in Second Language Acquisition: A Blended Learning experience
113 | 2011年11月, Japan Intercultural Institute, Deep Culture Level Two Seminar--Deep Culture Difference Adaptation Coaching
114 | 2011年11月, Japan Association for Language Teaching, The Annual International Conference of the Japan Association for Language Teaching: JALT 2011
115 | 2011年10月, Japan Intercultural Institute, Deep Culture Level Two Seminar--Deep Culture Difference Materials Development
116 | 2011年09月, World Language Center, Speaking Assessment and Inter-Rater Reliability
117 | 2011年09月, Japan Intercultural Institute, Deep Culture Level Two Seminar--PICO Intercultural Learning Assessments
118 | 2011年07月, Japan Intercultural Institute, Deep Culture Level Two Seminar--Introduction to Deep Culture Training and Education
119 | 2011年02月, Japan Intercultural Institute, Deep Culture Level One Seminar--Beyond Culture Shock: Adaptation and Deep Culture Learning
120 | 2011年01月, Japan Intercultural Institute, Deep Culture Level One Seminar--Intuitive Logics: Deciphering Deep Cultural Difference
121 | 2010年12月, Japan Intercultural Institute, Deep Culture Level One Seminar--Deep Thoughts: Culture Perception and Cognition
122 | 2010年11月, Japan Association for Language Teaching, The Annual International Conference of the Japan Association for Language Teaching: JALT 2010
123 | 2010年11月, Japan Intercultural Institute, Deep Culture Introductory Seminar: Discovering Deep Culture