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ITO Takao

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Books etc
No.Title URL, Autour Type, Publisher, Publication date, Range, ISBN 
Das neue Jahrhundert Schopenhauers : Akten des Internationalen Forschungsprojekts anlässlich des 200. Jubiläums von Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung 2018-2020 , Joint Editor, Königshausen & Neumann, Nov. 2022, , 9783826077432 


Published Papers
No.Title URL, Journal, Vol( Number), From Page- To Page, Publication date, DOI 
Die Wertphilosophie von Kiichiro Soda in seinem Artikel „Das System der Werte“ , Collected Papers of The Humanities, Soka University, 17,  169- 182, Mar. 2024,  
Der Staat als Wille und Vorstellung: Zur Genese der Schopenhauerschen Rechtsphilosophie , Das neue Jahrhundert Schopenhauers : Akten des Internationalen Forschungsprojekts anlässlich des 200. Jubiläums von Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung 2018-2020, ,  365- 383, Nov. 2022,  
Hegel und Schopenhauer: Sozialphilosophie des Satzes vom Grunde , Das Hauptwerk: 200 Jahre Arthur Schopenhauer ,Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung', ,  297- 316, Mar. 2022,  
Religion and Ethics in Schopenhauer , Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia, 12,  e15- e15, Dec. 28, 2021, 
Kantian Framework of Schopenhauer’s Ethics: Right, Justice, Compassion, and Asceticism , Schopenhauer Jahrbuch, 101,  173- 188, Dec. 2020,  
Fichte-Studium beim jungen Schopenhauer: Fokussierend auf System der Sittenlehre , Fichte-Studien, ( 28), 73- 86, Nov. 2020,  
Die transzendentale philosophische Struktur der ethischen Theorie Schopenhauers , Schopenhauer Studien, ( 23), 141- 151, Nov. 2018,  
Schopenhauer's Reception in a Political Context , Annals of Existential Thought No.33: Schopenhauer and Existential Thought, ( 33), 33- 60, Jul. 2018,  
Fichte's receptivity of Pestalozzi , Research on education of man, ( No.22), 15- 35, May. 2010,  
The motives behind young Shopenhauer's dissertation "on the fourfold root of the principle of sufficient reason" (part 2) A focus on his theory of will , Studies in humanities, ( No.22), 127- 144, Mar. 2010,  
The motives behind young Schopenhauer's dissertation "on the fourfold root of the principle of sufficient reason" (part 1) Consideration of his comments on The metaphysics of morals of Kant , Studies in humanities, ( No.21), 37- 58, Mar. 2009,  
Kant's "Toward Eternal Peace" and Modern Military Draft : Three Different Interpretations of Kant by Chomin NAKAE, Kazunobu KANOKOGI and Sanjuro TOMONAGA , Soka University jinbun ronsyu, 16( No.16), 129- 170, Mar. 2004,  


No.Title URL, Journal, Vol( Number), From Page- To Page, Publication date 
Reading Dewey’s Letters from China and Japan (1): Politics, Education, Art and Religion -Dewey’s First Observations of Japan- , , 16,  93- 100, Mar. 2023 
Staat , Schopenhauauer-Lexikon, UTB GmbH, ,  243- 244, Sep. 2021 
Gerechtigkeit , Schopenhauauer-Lexikon, UTB GmbH, ,  120- 121, Sep. 2021 
Schopenhauersche Naturphilosophie im Kontext: Im Vergleich zur Analogielehre von Kant, Schelling und Fichte , Schopenhauer Studien, ( 25), 34- 43, Dec. 2020 
The History of the Concept of Sekai-Shimin (the World Citizen) in Modern Japan (1) In the Case of Kanzo Uchimura's Kirisutoshinto no Nagusame (Consolations of a Christian) , , 5,  51- 78, Mar. 2012 
The Resistance of Tsunesaburo Makiguchi in Times of War (2): Critiques on Holy War Thought , Soka education, ( No.4), 135- 167, Mar. 2011 
Tsunesaburo Makiguchi and John Dewey: values and advantages of geography in the field of education , Soka education, ( 2), 131- 142, Mar. 2009 
The resistance of Tsunesaburo Makiguchi in times of war (1) Critiques on Emperor worship and imperial rescript on education , Soka education, ( No.2), 2- 51, Mar. 2009 
Tsunesaburo Makiguchi and John Dewey , Journal of Soka education research, 6,  21- 28, Mar. 2007 
Selected Works by shoji Saito Vol.7, A Study of Educational Thoughts and History , Journal of Soka education research, 3,  233- 238, Mar. 2004 


Conference Activities & Talks
No.Title, Conference, Publication date, Promoter, Venue 
Die Rezeption der neukantianischen Wertphilosophie im modernen Japan, Deutsch-Japanische Dialoge zum Neukantianismus, Dec. 11, 2023, ,  
Experience and philosophy - Dewey's observations and speculations on Japan: Reading Dewey's Letters from China and Japan (1), 1st International Symposium on Global Citizenship Education “Restoring Learning to Daily Living: Global Citizenship and John Dewey”, Oct. 22, 2022, Soka University, Soka University 
Religion and Ethics in Schopenhauer, The 9th Schopenhauer International Colloquium Brazil organised by the Brazilian Section of Schopenhauer-Gesellschaft, Apr. 14, 2021, ,  
Geography for Global Citizens: Dewey, Makiguchi, Parker, Reuniting Parker, Dewey, Makiguchi and Ikeda: Education for Community and Citizenship Across Language and Culture Symposium, 2011, ,  


Awards Honors
No.Publication date, Association, Prize, Subtitle 
2008, Japan Society of Translators, 44th Annual Publication Award, The Complete Works of Herman Hesse, 16 volumes, Rinsen Shoten 


Research Grants & Projects
No.Offer organization, System name, Title, Fund classification, Date 
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), The history and significance of the reception of neo-Kantianism in modern Japan - with a focus on its relationship with the social sciences, ,  Apr. 2020 - Mar. 2024 
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Reexamination of Nietzsche's Scientism and Antiscientism through a Comparison with Schopenhauer, ,  Apr. 2017 - Mar. 2020 
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), International research project to mark the 200th anniversary of The World as Will and Representation: The New Century of Schopenhauer, ,  Apr. 2017 - Mar. 2020 
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Mutual Consideration of Universalism and Pluralism - mainly focusing on Schopenhauer and Nietzsche, ,  Apr. 2012 - Mar. 2015 
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), Studies pertaining to the militaristic use of Kant's theory of peace and its issues in modern Germany and Japan, ,  2010 - 2012