Published Papers |
No. | Title URL, Journal, Vol( Number), From Page- To Page, Publication date, DOI
1 | Development of the United States Supreme Court's Constitutional framework on Abortion , , 52( 1), 1- 32, Jul. 2022,
2 | The Utility of Dignity in American Constitutional Law , , 48( 3), 1- 30, Mar. 2019,
3 | The Possibility of Same-sex Marriage in Japan , , 47( 1), 1- 31, Jul. 2017,
4 | Same-sex Marriage and Right to Marriage in Obergefell v. Hodges , , 第46巻( 第1号), 1- 31, Jul. 2016,
5 | A Change of the Substantive Due Process in American Constitutional Law : A Chance to Lawrence v. Texas , , 第27号( 27), 149- 175, Oct. 2015,
6 | New Evolution of Constitutional Theory in United States v. Windsor , , 第44巻( 第3号), 1- 37, Mar. 2015,
7 | The Scope of "The Right to Personal Autonomy" in the American Constitutional Law , , 第35集, 66- 83, Dec. 2013,
8 | Evolution of the Right to Privacy in the American Constitutional Law , , 第34集, 99- 123, Dec. 2012,
9 | "Constitutional right to personal autonomy" in the constitution of the United States , , 第32集, 77- 99, Dec. 2010,