論文 |
No. | 論文タイトル URL, 誌名(出版物名), 巻( 号), 開始ページ- 終了ページ, 出版年月, DOI
1 | Differential and resonant solidarities: A materialist approach to the early career experience  , Politics, , , 2024年09月24日,
2 | All the women are white, all the Blacks are men, but what about the greens? – an intersectional analysis of modern environmentalism in Britain  , , , , 2024年, https://doi.org/10.25602/GOLD.00036311
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5 | Living and resisting intersectional oppression through ballroom: Dreams and the dreamlike in Pose (2019)  , Dreams and Atrocity: The Oneiric in Representations of Trauma, , , 2023年, https://doi.org/10.7765/9781526158086.00016
6 | What African Green Feminist Power Has to Offer  , Green European Journal, , , 2022年11月17日,
7 | Ambivalent borders and hybrid culture: The role of culture and exclusion in historical European discourses of migration , Journal of European Studies, , 004724412210907- 004724412210907, 2022年05月11日, https://doi.org/10.1177/00472441221090719
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10 | The Difficult Business of Defining Climate Refugees  , Green European Journal, , , 2022年01月10日,
11 | What if we choose not to go back to normal?  , RESET - The Journal, 1( 1), 4- 7, 2021年12月01日,
12 | Postcolonial, Decolonial, Anti-Colonial: Does it Matter?  , New Voices in Postcolonial Studies, ( 6), 10- 15, 2021年01月01日,
講演・口頭発表等 |
No. | 講演・口頭発表タイトル, 会議名, 発表年月日, 主催者, 開催地
1 | “Organising for Social Change”: Authors Meet Critics, 16th European Sociological Association Conference, 2024年09月, ,
2 | Intersectional Absences and Presences in British Environmentalism, 30th Council for European Studies Annual Conference, 2023年06月, ,
3 | 'We need to focus on saving the planet first': A political ethnography of intersectionality in contemporary British environmentalism, 73rd Political Studies Association Annual Conference, 2023年04月, ,
4 | Winning the Argument, Losing the Planet?, Panel as part of an event series celebrating the 10th birthday of the Green European Journal, 2022年11月, ,
5 | Climate Refugee Discourses in the British Press, Untangling the Climate Change/Migration/Security Nexus. Dalhousie Centre for the Study of Security and Development/Jean Monnet European Union Centre of Excellence Workshop. Dalhousie University, 2022年08月, ,
6 | Black, green, and red all over? Contemporary convergences between the politics of social groups, social justice, and environmentalism in the UK., Critical Margins: Politicizing the Crisis. European Sociological Association Research Network 25 on Social Movements/European Consortium for Political Research Standing Group on Participation and Mobilization Midterm Conference., 2022年07月, ,
7 | Climate Refugees – A Useful Concept? Some Reflections from Europe, 29th Council for European Studies Annual Conference, 2022年07月, ,
8 | The Green Party of England and Wales and the Politics of Identity, 72nd Political Studies Association Annual Conference, 2022年04月, ,
9 | Towards A Green Black Feminist Theory?, TECHNE Resistance and Regrowth Conference, 2021年11月, ,
10 | A Green Black Feminist Theory? Black Women and Ecology, Ain’t I A Woman Conference, 2021年10月, ,
11 | Sustainability and climate change – best practice and sector potential., British Library, Climate Action and Libraries Workshop, 2021年10月, ,
12 | Climate Action, Inequalities, and Knowledge, Autumn ReGathering, Chartered Institute for Library and Information Professionals Scotland, 2021年10月, ,
13 | Intersectionality in Times of Ecological Crisis, Online Symposium: “Intersectionality & Activism in Difficult Times”, 2021年09月, ,
14 | Exploring the relevant role of national libraries to the climate change and sustainability debates, National Libraries Now Conference, 2021年09月, ,
15 | Locating Intersectionality in Social Movements, 28th Council for European Studies Annual Conference, 2021年06月, ,
16 | Locating Intersectionality in Social Movements, 71st Political Studies Association Annual Conference, 2021年03月, ,