論文 |
No. | 論文タイトル URL, 誌名(出版物名), 巻( 号), 開始ページ- 終了ページ, 出版年月, DOI
1 | Aligning Courses in the World Language Center with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages , The Journal of Learner-Centered Higher Education. School of Excellence in Educational Development, Soka University, 11, 65- 87, 2022年03月,
2 | Promoting collaborative learning with any textbook using a teacher-created study guide , JALT Material Writers Sig Publication, Between the Keys., 27( 1), , 2019年11月,
3 | Converting an EAP/CBI Course in Human Rights to an EMI Course  , 埼玉大学紀要. 教養学部, 52( 2), 279- 287, 2017年11月,
4 | Using Quizlet and Moodle to Promote More English Practice Outside the ESL Classroom , The Journal of Saitama City Educators, 6( 3), 20- 24, 2017年,
5 | Video Recording Student Interactions: a Framework for Dealing with Video Files, Assessment and Possible Research , Antwerp CALL, , 133- 145, 2010年08月,
6 | English Intensive Immersion Programs: Design and Management Considerations , JALT National Conference, , 1- 13, 2008年11月,
7 | Using Video-based Simulations to Teach Pragmatics , Antwerp CALL, , 109- 111, 2008年08月,
8 | Self Development and Discovery of Innate Talents through StrengthsFinder: An Introduction to Helping Students Learn about Themselves in the ESL Classroom , The Monograph, Motivations in English Language Learning, Tokai University, , 61- 81, 2006年,
9 | “Glocalization” Through CALL: Bringing People Together , On Cue, For the Language Professionals in Higher Education, 13( 2), 39- 40, 2005年,
10 | Expressions 2: A call perspective. [Review of the textbook Expressions] , The Language Teacher, 27( 3), 39- 40, 2003年03月,
講演・口頭発表等 |
No. | 講演・口頭発表タイトル, 会議名, 発表年月日, 主催者, 開催地
1 | Enhancing Student Engagement and Reflection in the language classroom: An AI-Integrated Approach, Thai TESOL 2025, 2025年01月24日, ,
2 | Introducing the CEFR and Language Portfolio: Learner Views, Jalt National Conference 2024, 2024年11月17日, ,
3 | Introducing the CEFR and Language Portfolio: Learner Views, PanSig 2024, 2024年05月25日, ,
4 | Enhancing Teaching with ChatGPT API, Google Sheets, and Moodle., JaltCall 2024, 2024年05月18日, ,
5 | 注意ログを通じた言語学習の実施:技術的アプローチ, 世界言語センター専門開発, 2023年10月25日, ,
6 | ChatGPT APIとGoogleシートを使って話し言葉と書き言葉の活動に役立つ言語コーパスを構築する, 青山学院大学教員オリエンテーション会議, 2023年04月01日, ,
7 | My Share PD: Improved CEFR Curriculum Map Tool, Soka University WLC Professional Development Session, 2022年11月25日, ,
8 | Getting that Job: How to Job Hunt, Soka University WLC Professional Development Session, 2022年06月22日, ,
9 | Aligning Courses in the World Language Center with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages., JALT National Conference, 2021年11月21日, ,
10 | Promoting Collaborative Learning with Any Textbook Using a Teacher-Created Study Guide., Okinawa JALT Sig Conference, 2019年06月, ,
11 | The Importance Of Teacher Behavior and Its Relation To Providing Motivating Feedback., ELTJ Tokyo Expo, 2019年02月, ,
12 | Why Teachers Need to Have a Life, JALT National Conference, 2018年11月, ,
13 | Moodle LMS Administration Apps for Moodle Accounts and the Quiz Module., MoodleMoot Conference Musashino University, Tokyo, 2018年02月, ,
14 | Conducting Video Discussion and Vocabulary study in the Classroom, Aoyama Gakuin Science and Engineering department annual teacher workshop, 2017年04月, ,
15 | Using Google Drive to Monitor Group and Pair Work with Essays, CamTESOL, Phnom Penh, 2016年02月, ,
16 | Creating Student-Made Quizlet Vocabulary Quizzes in Moodle, MoodleMoot Japan. Jichi Medical University, Shimotsuke, Tochigi Japan, 2016年02月, ,
17 | Using Google Drive to Monitor Group and Pair Work with Essays and Presentations, Aoyama Gakuin Teacher Orientation, 2014年04月, ,
18 | Creating Moodle Quizzes with Quizlet and GIFT Format., JALT National TNT Workshop, 2013年10月, ,
19 | Class streaming using information on student experience, JALT PanSig, 2012年06月, ,
20 | Effective use of CEFR descriptors in the IE Program to encourage learner agency and self-assessment, Aoyama Gakuin Teacher Orientation, , ,