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リム タイウェイ (リム タイウェイ,LIM Tai-wei)

基本情報 研究分野 教育 研究 学内活動 学外活動


No.タイトル URL, 担当区分, 出版社, 出版年月, 担当範囲, ISBN 
Lim, Tai Wei, HIstory and Regional Area Studies of Hachioji (UK: Palgrave), 10 November 2022 (Peer reviewed) available at https://www.bookdepository.com/author/Lim-Tai-Wei , 単著, Palgrave, 2022年11月, ,  
Abe, Satoshi and Tai Wei Lim,, Modernization in Asia: The Environment/Resources, Social Mobilization, and Traditional Landscapes Across Time and Space in Asia, (New Jersey and Singapore: WSPC), June 2022 [DOI:10.1142/12457 ISBN: 978-981-12-4389-9 , 共著, WSPC, 2022年06月, ,  
East Asian Entrepreneurs: A Study Of State Role, Education And Mindsets (New Jersey and Singapore: WSPC), 4 Feb 2022 , 単著, WSPC, 2022年02月, ,  
Wong, Yee Lam Elim and Tai Wei LIM (Editors and writers), Contemporary History of Cantonese Migrants in Yokohama Chinatown (UK: Palgrave MacMillan), 12 Jan 2022. (Peer reviewed), available at https://www.bookdepository.com/author/Lim-Tai-Wei , 共著, Palgrave MacMillan, 2022年01月, ,  
Lim, Tai Wei, "ASEAN Measures against the Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic in Relation to the Agri-Food Sector and its Cooperation with Taiwan, India and CJK" dated 14 December 2021 in the Second special issue of FFTC Journal of Agricultural Policy , , FFTC, 2021年12月, Author,  
Lim, Tai Wei, "Exporting North Korean Food Culture and Cuisines: NKR Interview with Tai Wei Lim" dated November 2021 in North Korean Review Online , , , 2021年11月, ,  
Lim, Tai Wei, "The Irrepressible Republic of Singapore: its resilience, COVID-19 mitigation measures and the strong social contract with the people of Singapore" dated November 2021 in 21st Century East Asian Sociology Vol. 2021 No. 11, pp. 74-88 , , , 2021年11月, Lim, Tai Wei, "The Irrepressible Republic of Singapore: its resilience, COVID-19 mitigation measures and the strong social contract with the people of Singapore" dated November 2021 in 21st Century East Asian Sociology Vol. 2021 No. 11, pp. 74-88,  
C.CS., Jason and Lim, Tai Wei, "Coping with Unrest in the Periphery of China: Comparative Case Studies of Thailand, Myanmar and HKSAR" in International Journal China and the World Vol. 04 Issue 01 [peer reviewed] , , , 2021年06月, ,  
Lim, Tai Wei, "The Sino-Laos Railway and the Connectivity Potential for a Small State" in International Journal China and the World Vol. 04, No. 02, [18 June 2021] , , , 2021年06月, ,  
Lim, Tai Wei, "Technical and Technology Help for Small Farmers - Taiwan's Technological Contributions to the World" dated 20 May 2021 in FFTC Agriultural Policy Platform (FFTC-AP) Food and Fertilizer Technology Center for the Asian and Pacific Region in FFTC AP Platform [Peer Reviewed] , , , 2021年05月, ,  
Lim, Tai Wei, "Technologies in Singapore's High Tech Kranji Farms" dated 26 May 2021 in FFTC Agriultural Policy Platform (FFTC-AP) Food and Fertilizer Technology Center for the Asian and Pacific Region in FFTC AP Platform [Peer Reviewed] , , , 2021年05月, ,  
Lim, Tai Wei, "Singapore's Food Supply from Riau Archipelago" dated 26 May 2021 in FFTC Agriultural Policy Platform (FFTC-AP) Food and Fertilizer Technology Center for the Asian and Pacific Region in FFTC AP Platform [Peer Reviewed] , , , 2021年05月, ,  
Lim, Tai Wei, "Sustainable Agri-Food Systems: Sustainable Aqua Farms in Taiwan" dated 28 May 2021 in FFTC Agriultural Policy Platform (FFTC-AP) Food and Fertilizer Technology Center for the Asian and Pacific Region in FFTC AP Platform [Peer Reviewed] , , , 2021年05月, ,  
Lim, Tai Wei, "Singaporean Food Supply from its Nearest State Neighbor -- Johore" dated 31 May 2021 in FFTC Agriultural Policy Platform (FFTC-AP) Food and Fertilizer Technology Center for the Asian and Pacific Region in FFTC AP Platform [31 May 2021] , , , 2021年05月, ,  
Lim, Tai Wei, "The Implication of Agriculture in Taiwan's Soft Cultural Power" dated 14 May 2021 in FFTC Agriultural Policy Platform (FFTC-AP) Food and Fertilizer Technology Center for the Asian and Pacific Region in FFTC AP Platform [Peer Reviewed] , , , 2021年05月, ,  
Lim, Tai Wei, “Theoretical Perspectives of China–Hong Kong Relations: Contextualizing Their Joint Anti-COVID-19 Fourth Wave Mitigation Efforts” dated March 2021 in China and the World Journal Vol. 4 Issue 1 (Singapore: WSPC), [Peer reviewed] , , , 2021年03月, ,  
Lim Tai Wei, “News and Commentaries: A Conventional Explanation of US–China Bilateral Relationship: Adapting to the Rise of a New Regional (Maybe Global) Order” dated March 2021 in China and the World Journal Vol. 4 Issue 1 [Peer reviewed] , , , 2021年03月, ,  
Lim, Tai Wei and Godo Y., "A Case Study of Non-Mainstream Local Governance and the Political Economy of Business Revitalization in Osaka" dated 2020 in Soka Business Review (Japan: Soka University/Kinokuniya), 2020. , 共著, Soka University Kinokuniya, 2020年12月, ,  
Leadership: Political-economic, Regional Business and Socio-Community Contexts , 共著, WSPC, 2020年12月, ,  
A Case Study of Non-Mainstream Local Governance and the Political Economy of Business Revitalization in Osaka , 共著, Soka University / Kinokuniya, 2020年12月, 1-14,  
Lim, Tai Wei and Jason C., "China and the World: Hong Kong’s Changing Role in Connecting the Mainland With the World" dated Oct/Nov 2020 in China and the World Vol. 3 No. 4 (Singapore:WSPC), 2020 [Refereed]. , 共著, WSPC, 2020年11月, ,  
Lim, Tai Wei, "The Global Fight Against COVID-19: Sino-ASEAN Cooperation in Mitigating the Coronavirus Pandemic Along With Other Global Actors" dated September/October 2020 in China and the World Vol. 03 No. 03 (Singapore: WSPC), 2020 [Refereed] , 単著, WSPC, 2020年10月, ,  
Lim, Tai Wei, "Exporting North Korean Food Culture and Cuisines" dated in Fall 2020 (September/October 2020) in North Korea Review Vol. 16 No. 2 (US: MacFarland and Yonsei University), 2020, pp. 111-120 [Refereed] , 単著, McFarland, 2020年10月, ,  
Book Review author, "The Ebb and Flow of Chinese Petroleum: A Story Told by a Witness, by Mao Huahe. , 単著, University of Chicago, 2020年07月, ,  
Lim, Tai Wei, “Southeast Asia and its crusade against the COVID-19 virus” dated 15 April 2020 in Indonesia Focus Issue No. 64 (Hong Kong: HKSIS Hong Kong Society of Indonesian Studies), 2020. , 単著, Hong Kong: HKSIS Hong Kong Society of Indonesian Studies, 2020年04月, ,  
Housing Policies in Hong Kong , 単著, National University of Singapore, 2020年02月, ,  
Multiculturalism in Japan in the 100th Anniversary of Japanese Migration to Brazil: the case study of Oizumi and Nishi-Koizumi , 共著, TKK Foundation, 2019年12月, ,  
Twin Case Studies of Industry 4.0 , 共著, TKK Foundation, 2019年12月, ,  
Hong Kong’s Anti-extradition Bill Protests: The Origins, Features and Interpretations , 単著, National University of Singapore, 2019年12月, ,  
Service-Learning in Asia , 共著, Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities CUMU/Wright State University, 2019年12月, ,  
The Ebb and Flow of Chinese Petroleum , 単著, Australian National University, 2019年12月, ,  
Coal Mining Communities and Gentrification in Japan , 共著, Palgrave MacMillan, 2019年12月, ,  
The Wang Jingwei (Wang Ching-Wei) Government: A survey of archival and secondary sources , 単著, Cross Century, 2019年12月, ,  
North Korea's Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) Program , 単著, University of Detroit Yonsei University, 2019年12月, ,  
Japan in 2019: Some Ripples in an Otherwise Calm Sea , 単著, National University of Singapore, 2019年12月, ,  
The Indigenization and Hybridization of Food Cultures in Singapore , 単著, Palgrave MacMillan, 2019年12月, ,  
Industrial Revolution 4.0, Tech Giants, and Digitized Societies , 単著, Palgrave MacMillan, 2019年12月, ,  
Review of A Baptist Preacher’s Buddhist Teacher by Lawrence Edward Carter Sr. , 単著, Singapore Soka Association, 2019年11月, ,  
Hong Kong's Anti-Extradition Bill Protests: The Origins, Features and Interpretations , 単著, National University of Singapore, 2019年08月, ,  
Case Study of Singapore: A Multicultural Melting Pot in Southeast Asia , 共著, National Heritage Board Singapore, 2019年06月, ,  
Shinzo Abe’s Consumption Tax Reform , 共著, National University of Singapore, 2019年06月, ,  
Japan's Foreign Talent Policy , 単著, National University of Singapore, 2019年06月, ,  
The Political Impact of Industry 4.0 Tech Giants , 単著, Tamkang University, 2019年03月, ,  


No.論文タイトル URL, 誌名(出版物名), 巻( 号), 開始ページ- 終了ページ, 出版年月, DOI 
"The Political Economy of Sub-Regionalism: SJORI Agricultural Cooperation in the Riau-Singapore Leg" dated 22 April 2022 (Taiwan: Food and Fertilizer Technology Center for the Asian and Pacific Region), 2022. (Peer reviewed), available at https://ap.fftc.org.tw/article/3024 , in FFTC Agricultural Policy Platform FFTC AP, ,   , 2022年04月,  
"Development of Singapore's Ornamental Fish Industry" dated 15 April 2022 (Taiwan: Food and Fertilizer Technology Center for the Asian and Pacific Region), 2022. (Peer reviewed), available at https://ap.fftc.org.tw/article/3022 , in FFTC Agricultural Policy Platform FFTC AP, ,   , 2022年04月,  
"The Development of Singapore's Mushroom Farming Industry" dated 24 April 2022 in FFTC Agricultural Policy Platform FFTC AP (Taiwan: Food and Fertilizer Technology Center for the Asian and Pacific Region), 2022. (Peer reviewed), available at https://ap.fftc.org.tw/article/3026 , FFTC Agricultural Policy Platform FFTC AP dated 24 April 2022, ,   , 2022年04月,  
"Understanding Contemporary Durian Developmental Policy from a Historical Point of View" in (Taiwan: Food and Fertilizer Technology Center for the Asian and Pacific Region), 2022. (Peer reviewed) [downloaded on 24 Jan 2023], available at https://ap.fftc.org.tw/article/3034 , FFTC Agricultural Policy Platform FFTC AP dated 26 April 2022, ,   , 2022年04月,  
"The History of Singapore's Rice Cultivation" dated 14 April 2022 (Taiwan: Food and Fertilizer Technology Center for the Asian and Pacific Region), 2022. (Peer reviewed), available at https://ap.fftc.org.tw/article/3021 , in FFTC Agricultural Policy Platform FFTC AP, ,   , 2022年04月,  
"Development of Tilapia Farminig in Singapore" dated 22 April 2022 (Taiwan: Food and Fertilizer Technology Center for the Asian and Pacific Region), 2022. (Peer reviewed), available at https://ap.fftc.org.tw/article/3025 , in FFTC Agricultural Policy Platform FFTC AP, ,   , 2022年04月,  
Lim, Tai Wei, Women Hold Up Half the Sky The Political-Economic and Socioeconomic Narratives of Women in China (Singapore: WSPC), 2021 , , ,   , 2021年03月,  
Lam, YLE and Tai Wei LIM, Contemporary History of Cantonese Migrants in Yokohama Chinatown A Case Study of Shatenki and the Xie Family (UK: Palgrave MacMillan), 2021 (January). , , ,   , 2021年01月,  
Industrial Revolution 4.0, Tech Giants, and Digitized Societies , Industrial Revolution 4.0, Tech Giants, and Digitized Societies, ,  201- , 2019年07月,  


No.講演・口頭発表タイトル, 会議名, 発表年月日, 主催者, 開催地 
“THE QUAD LITE MIDDLE POWER: THE GROWING ROLE OF THE SOUTH KOREAN NAVY AND INFLUENCE IN THE MARITIME SILK ROAD (MSR)”, Rise of China and the Global Power Transition ACADEMIC SESSION IV International Conference China’s Belt Road Initiatives: Regional and Global Implications Organized by Institute for Contemporary Chinese Studies (ICCS) in association with School of International Relations and Politics, Mahatma Gandhi University 6 November 2021 (4.30 pm – 7.00 pm) [Refereed], 2021年11月06日, ,  
Invited panelist and speaker for the FFTC FFTC-AP Forum- The Way to Smart Agriculture Value Chain for Small-scale Farmers – Policies & Challenges on 20 October 2021 Spoke on "Adoption of Smart Agriculture by Small-scale farmers: The Singapore Case Study"., Invited panelist and speaker for the FFTC FFTC-AP Forum- The Way to Smart Agriculture Value Chain for Small-scale Farmers – Policies & Challenges on 20 October 2021 Spoke on "Adoption of Smart Agriculture by Small-scale farmers: The Singapore Case Study"., 2021年10月20日, ,  
Lim, Tai Wei (Chair, Convenor, Presenter), Twelfth Convention of Asia Scholars ICAS (International Convention on Asia Schoalrs) 12 Session Location 2 on 27 August 2021 for ICAS2020 – Crafting a Global Future in the Post-COVID19 World and presented the paper "COVID and Technology". [Refereed], Lim, Tai Wei (Chair, Convenor, Presenter), Twelfth Convention of Asia Scholars ICAS (International Convention on Asia Schoalrs) 12 Session Location 2 on 27 August 2021 for ICAS2020 – Crafting a Global Future in the Post-COVID19 World and presented the paper "COVID and Technology". [Refereed], 2021年08月27日, ,  
Presenter "Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy and its Cooperation with India and ASEAN in the Aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic" at MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND POLITICS : INDIA AND THE COVID 19 PANDEMIC: IMPACT, CHALLENGES AND POLICY RESPONSES on 23 April 2021., Presenter "Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy and its Cooperation with India and ASEAN in the Aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic" at MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND POLITICS : INDIA AND THE COVID 19 PANDEMIC: IMPACT, CHALLENGES AND POLICY RESPONSES on 23 April 2021., 2021年04月23日, ,  
Invited Speaker for the Industrial Engineering School of the National University of San Marcos's “1st International Congress of Research and Development in Industrial Engineering- CIDEI” - Industry 4.0. Presented on 2 September 2020 (Wednesday) on the Conference topic of: Smart Cities Network and Day 3, 3 September 2020 (Thursday) on the conference topic of "Smart in Singapore and ASEAN"., Invited Speaker for the Industrial Engineering School of the National University of San Marcos's “1st International Congress of Research and Development in Industrial Engineering- CIDEI” - Industry 4.0. Presented on 2 September 2020 (Wednesday) on the Conference topic of: Smart Cities Network and Day 3, 3 September 2020 (Thursday) on the conference topic of "Smart in Singapore and ASEAN"., 2020年09月02日, ,  
Panel discussant and commentator in Fudan University Financial Review organized by Fanhai International School of Finance (FISF) Fudan University on 10 April 2020, Panel discussant and commentator in Fudan University Financial Review organized by Fanhai International School of Finance (FISF) Fudan University on 10 April 2020, 2020年04月10日, ,  


No.プロジェクト名, 参加開始年月 
VDem Varities of Democracies,  2023年01月 - 2023年01月