書籍等出版物 |
No. | タイトル URL, 担当区分, 出版社, 出版年月, 担当範囲, ISBN
1 | Conditioning Relations: Evaluating a Political Conditionality , 単著, LAP Publishing, 2019年09月, , 9786202093897
2 | Positive Peace and the Methodology of Costing Peacebuilding Needs: The Case of Burundi , 共著, Administrative Theory & Praxis, 2019年07月, ,
3 | External Incentives and Conflict De-Escalation: Negotiating a Settlement to Sudan’s North-South Civil War , 単著, Routledge, 2019年05月, ,
4 | Chad’s (Il)liberal Interventions and the Making of a Regional Hegemon , 共著, Palgrave-Macmillan, 2019年04月, ,
5 | Patterns of Economic Aid and Peace Processes in Africa , 単著, Soka University Peace Research Journal, 2019年03月, 145-160,
6 | Chad’s (Il)liberal Interventions and the Making of a Regional Hegemon , 共著, Palgrave-Macmillan, 2019年01月, ,
論文 |
No. | 論文タイトル URL, 誌名(出版物名), 巻( 号), 開始ページ- 終了ページ, 出版年月, DOI
1 |
2 | External incentives and conflict de-escalation: Negotiating a settlement to Sudan's North-South Civil War , Resolving International Conflict: Dynamics of Escalation, Continuation and Transformation, , 181- 199, 2019年05月23日,
3 | Patterns of Economic Aid and Peace Processes in Africa , Soka University Peace Research Journal, , 1-25- , 2019年03月,
4 | Managing fragility? Chad’s (il)liberal interventions and the making of a regional hegemon , Governance and Political Adaptation in Fragile States, , 195- 213, 2018年01月01日,
5 | External incentives and the African subregional response to Boko Haram , African Border Disorders: Addressing Transnational Extremist Organizations, , 136- 150, 2017年09月01日,
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
No. | MISCタイトル URL, 誌名, 巻( 号), 開始ページ- 終了ページ, 出版年月(日)
1 | Peacebuilding in Africa (SUPRI Project Annual Report : April 2018 - March 2019)  , 創大平和研究, ( 32), 143- 160, 2018年
2 | BOOK REVIEW - From Protest to Parties: Party-Building and Democratization in Africa , COMPARATIVE POLITICAL STUDIES, 45( 10), 1314- 1316, 2012年10月
3 | BOOK REVIEW - Forced to Be Good:Why Trade Agreements Boost Human Rights , COMPARATIVE POLITICAL STUDIES, 43( 2), 268- 271, 2010年02月
4 | BOOK REVIEW - Assessing George W Bush's Africa Policy and Suggestions for Barack Obama and African Leaders , AFRICAN AND ASIAN STUDIES, 9( 1-2), 194- 197, 2010年
講演・口頭発表等 |
No. | 講演・口頭発表タイトル, 会議名, 発表年月日, 主催者, 開催地
1 | Incentives for peace: Avoiding war reoccurrence through peacebuilding, Soka University, SDGs X Value Creation “Peace & Human Rights” Symposium, 2020年12月14日, ,
2 | “Exploring Drug Policies in Selected African and European States along the Western Mediterranean Corridor”, Centre for Global Criminology (University of Copenhagen) - Altafuna, Catalonia, Spain, 2019年09月, ,
3 | “Uses and Abuses of Migration Data on Africa”, Africa’s Grand Challenges sponsored by SAIPIR and Cornell University - Livingstone, Zambia, 2019年08月, ,
4 | Monitoring the Zombie Observers: Recent Trends of Electoral Fraud by Africa’s Authoritarian Regimes, Restricted Spaces: Civil Society, Authoritarianism, and Africa, 2019年04月, ,
5 | “Authoritarian Uses of ‘Zombie’ Election Observers: Lessons from Cameroon’s Recent Presidential Elections”, Spring Symposium at Cornell University’s Institute for African Development - Ithaca, NY USA, 2019年04月, ,
6 | “Providing a Peace Dividend: Incentives and Peacebuilding in Recent African Conflicts”, Faculty of International Liberal Arts Research Lecture at Soka University - Tokyo, Japan, 2018年10月, ,
7 | “Using Data to Study Transnational Organized Crime”, Conference on “Interzones and Criminal Entanglements”, put on by the Centre for Global Criminology / University of Copenhagen - Tangiers, Morocco, 2018年09月, ,
受賞 |
No. | 受賞年月, 授与機関, 賞名, (対象業績)タイトル
1 | 2013年05月, Oklahoma State University, Department of Political Science,, Outstanding Service Award,
2 | 2013年05月, Oklahoma State University, Department of Political Science,, Outstanding Teaching Award,
3 | 2012年05月, Oklahoma State University, Department of Political Science,, Outstanding Teaching Award,
4 | 2011年05月, Oklahoma State University, Department of Political Science,, Outstanding Research Productivity Award,
共同研究・競争的資金等の研究課題 |
No. | 提供機関, 制度名, 課題名等, 資金種別, 研究期間
1 | European Union, , Criminal Entanglements: A new ethnographic approach to transnational organized crime, , 2018年 - 2023年
2 | , , Incentives in International Relations, 競争的資金, 2008年 - 現在
3 | , , The Role of Incentives in Peace Processes, ,
4 | , , Building Cooperation in Combating Illicit Drug Trafficking along the Western Mediterranean Corridor, ,
5 | , , The Use of Incentives in International Cooperation on Migration along the Western Mediterranean Corridor, ,
6 | , , Costing Peace Building Processes, ,
7 | , , Peace Building and State Building after Civil War in West Africa, ,
Works(作品等) |
No. | 作品名, 作品分類, 発表年月, 発表場所(開催地)
1 | For July 2020 IPSA Bi-Annual Conference Presentation - Helping Peace? The Role of Donor Aid in Building Sustainable Peace, , 2020年07月 - 2020年07月,
2 | For Kakenhi Research Grant Application - Donor Aid and Building Sustainable Peace, , 2020年04月 - 2023年04月,
3 | Partner in the Sasakawa and the Nippon Foundation Multiperson Grant Proposal - Prevention of Maritime and Port Corruption (PREMPOC), , 2020年02月 - 2023年12月,
4 | External Incentives and Conflict De-Escalation: Negotiating a Settlement to Sudan’s North-South Civil War, その他, 2019年12月 - 現在,
5 | Cooperation via an Incentives Approach? Impact on Migration Trends along the Western Mediterranean Corridor, , 2019年08月 - 2020年08月,
6 | Cooperation on Migration along the Western Mediterranean Corridor: The Role of Incentives, , 2019年06月 - 2020年04月,
7 | New Humanitarianism: International State-Building in Theory and Practice, , 2019年06月 - 2021年01月,
8 | “The Zombie Election Observers have Risen: Recent Trends in Electoral Fraud and the Case of Cameroon”, , 2019年04月 - 2020年02月,
9 | Authoritarian Regime Uses of Fake or “Zombie” Election Observers: Lessons from Cameroon’s Recent Presidential Election, , 2019年01月 - 2020年01月,
10 | Providing a Peace Dividend: Incentives and Peacebuilding in Recent African Conflicts, 芸術活動, 2018年10月 - 現在, Soka University - FILA Talk
11 | Policies and Policies: Using Data to Study Transnational Organized Crime, 芸術活動, 2018年09月 - 現在, International Symposium on Interzones and Criminal Entanglements
12 | Patterns of Economic Aid and Peace Processes in Africa, , 2018年04月 - 2021年04月,
13 | External Incentives, Regional African Cooperation, and the Fight against Transnational Extremist Movements, , 2018年01月 - 2022年12月,
研究プロジェクトへの参加 |
No. | プロジェクト名, 参加開始年月
1 | “You’re on Your Own: The neosovereignist turn across Africa and the Sahel”., 2023年09月 - 2027年12月
2 | Incentives in Migration Politics in along the Western Mediterranean Corridor, 2020年09月 - 2021年09月
3 | Partner in the Sasakawa and the Nippon Foundation Multiperson Grant Proposal - Prevention of Maritime and Port Corruption (PREMPOC), 2020年02月 - 2022年01月
4 | International State-Building in West Africa: Civil Wars and New Humanitarianism in Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Cote d’Ivoire, 2020年01月 - 2024年09月
5 | International State-Building in West Africa: Civil Wars and New Humanitarianism in Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Cote d’Ivoire, 2020年01月 - 2024年09月
6 | Book Project with Prof. Abu Bakarr Bah (Northern Illinois University), 2019年04月 - 2021年09月
7 | Fake Election Monitors in Africa - Focusing on the case of Cameroon, 2019年03月 - 2021年12月