論文 |
No. | 論文タイトル URL, 誌名(出版物名), 巻( 号), 開始ページ- 終了ページ, 出版年月, DOI
1 | Encouraging Global Citizenship through Study Abroad , The Journal of Learner-Centered Higher Education, 13, 53- 65, 2024年03月,
2 | Developing a Short-term Study Abroad Survey , rEFLections, 30( 3), 997- 1021, 2023年12月,
3 | Profiling Word Frequency and Readability of Online Learner Dictionary Definitions , rEFLections, 30( 2), 247- 267, 2023年05月,
4 | A Case Study of a Japanese University Study Abroad Program of English in Thailand , Asian EFL Journal, 25( 2), 63- 94, 2021年03月,
5 | Esl students use of alliteration and assonance in recalling formulaic language , rEFLections, 27( 1), 103- 120, 2020年,
6 | Student Survey Responses from a Short-term Study Abroad Program , Ryugaku: Explorations in Study Abroad, 11( 2), 2-27- , 2018年12月,
7 |
8 | The Beneficial Mnemonic Effect of Alliteration and Assonance in Recalling Lexical Chunks , JACET-KANTO Journal, 2( 2), 41- 55, 2015年03月,
9 | A Social Narrative Inquiry of Three Japanese University Participants In a Short-term Study Abroad Program. , Ryugaku Explorations in Study Abroad, 1, 24- 37, 2014年07月,
No. | MISCタイトル URL, 誌名, 巻( 号), 開始ページ- 終了ページ, 出版年月(日)
1 | 【特集 政治と人文学】The Role of the United States in International Organizations since WWII , 跡見学園女子大学人文学フォーラム, 14, A1- A15, 2016年03月15日
2 | Understanding Paradigms and Polarity in International Relations , 跡見学園女子大学人文学フォーラム, ( 13), 155- 144, 2015年
3 | 【論文】Using the Spacing Effect with Multiple : choice Items on a Listening Test , 跡見学園女子大学人文学フォーラム, 12, A14- A34, 2014年03月15日
4 | Understanding the Rasch Model in Test Making , Dokkyo Journal of Language Learning and Teaching, 2( 2), 15- 38, 2014年
5 | Understanding the Rasch Model in Test Making , Dokkyo Journal of Language Learning and Teaching, 2, 15- 38, 2014年
6 | Attitudes Toward Bilinguals in Japan , Temple University Studies in Applied Linguistics Colloquium 2005, , 97- 110, 2005年
7 | Advice for Learning Vocabulary , The Bulletin Tokyo Kasei University, 44( 1), 1- 7, 2004年
8 | Communicative Pronunciation Exercises: Using Suprasegmentals in Games , , 37, 1- 8, 2004年
9 | Communicative Pronunciation Exercises: Using Suprasegmentals in Games , Temple University Japan Studies in Applied Linguistics, 37, 1- 8, 2004年
10 | Communicative Grammar Games: Two Activities Demonstrated , Temple University Japan Studies in Applied Linguistics, XL, 144- 148, 2004年
11 | Refreshing Your Teaching Theory , The Bulletin Tokyo Kasei University, 43( 1), 127- 132, 2003年
講演・口頭発表等 |
No. | 講演・口頭発表タイトル, 会議名, 発表年月日, 主催者, 開催地
1 | Short-term Study Abroad Task Difficulty, 20th CamTESOL Conference: Preparing Successful Learners: Bringing Real Language Into the ELT classroom, 2024年02月24日, ,
2 | Assessing short-term study abroad task difficulty, the 43rd Thailand TESOL International Conference 2024, 2024年01月27日, ,
3 | Study Abroad SIG Forum - Current Challenges in Study Abroad, 49th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials Exhibition, 2023年11月26日, ,
4 | Promoting English Communication among ELF Speakers via Zoom, 2023/32nd International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching, 2023年11月11日, ,
5 | Understanding Task Difficulty in Short-term Study Abroad Experiences, 2023 JALT Study Abroad SIG Conference, 2023年11月04日, ,
6 | Understanding Task Difficulty in Short-term Study Abroad Experiences, New Directions East Asia, 2023年10月29日, ,
7 | New Avenues for Pre-service Teacher Training, KMUTT Forum, 2023年02月27日, ,
8 | Incorporating and Connecting Specific Language Points into your Lesson Material, KMUTT Workshop, 2023年02月25日, ,
9 | Using Language Portraits to Review Study Abroad Experiences, Cambodia TESOL, 2023年02月19日, ,
10 | Assessing an Online English Communicative Task and Reflection among University EFL Speakers, New Directions Conference Bridging divides: Towards a comprehensive approach to language teaching, learning and assessment., 2022年12月10日, ,
11 | Investigating the Readability of On-line Learner Dictionary Definitions, JALT International Conference: Learning from Students, Educating Teachers—Research and Practice, 2022年11月13日, ,
12 | How Study Abroad Enhances Global Citizenship., 1st International Symposium on Global Citizenship Education, 2022年10月22日, ,
13 | Using Language Portraits to Review Study Abroad Experiences, JALT Study Abroad SIG Conference 2022, 2022年09月10日, ,
14 | 戦略的パートナーシップ: A Case in the Philippines, 戦略的パートナーシップ, 2022年03月15日, ,
15 | The Deeper Side of Board Games: Adapting Games to facilitate more than Language Skills, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi: School of Liberal Arts. MA ELT Program, 2022年02月19日, ,
16 | CLIL Basics and how board games enhance content-based course concepts, MA ELT Programme: School of Liberal Arts, KMUTT, 2022年02月14日, ,
17 | EFL Students Use of Alliteration and Assonance in Recalling Formulaic Language, The 4th Doing Research in Applied Linguistics, 2021年09月04日, ,
18 | Case Study: Study Abroad in the Philippines, Japan Association for Language Teaching 2020 International Conference, 2020年11月21日, ,
19 | Modifying Commercial Games for Content-based Courses., 16th Annual Cambodia TESOL Conference., 2020年02月, ,
20 | Adapting Board Games for Discussion Activities, Japan Association of Language Teaching, 2019年05月, ,
21 | Modeling Speech Acts for a Study Abroad Program, Main Conference of 15th Annual CamTESOL Conference on English Language Teaching, 2019年02月, ,
22 | Beyond Language Outcomes, Japan Association of Language Teaching International Conference, 2018年11月, ,
23 | Study Abroad Program: Creating a Pre- and Post Survey, Study Abroad SIG Conference, 2018年09月, ,
24 | Study Abroad Destinations, JALT PanSIG Conference 2018, 2018年05月, ,
25 | Study Abroad Destinations & Research, Japan Association of Language Teaching PanSIG Conference, 2018年05月, ,
26 | Student Survey Responses from a Four-week Study Abroad Experience, 2018 Hawaii International Conference on Education, 2018年01月, ,
27 | Targeting Grammar Usage in Board Games, The 14th Annual CamTESOL Conference, 2018年, ,
28 | Targeting Grammar Usage in Board Games, The 14th Annual CamTESOL Conference, 2018年, ,
29 | Language Conference Volunteers Abroad, JALT Study Abroad Conference 2017, 2017年, ,
30 | Investigating Study Abroad Issues, JALT 2017 International Conference: Language Teaching in a Global Age: Shaping the Classroom, Shaping the World, 2017年, ,
31 | Practicing conditional sentences using commercials and movies, The 13th Annual CamTESOL Conference, 2017年, ,
32 | Language Conference Volunteers Abroad, JALT Study Abroad Conference 2017, 2017年, ,
33 | Investigating Study Abroad Issues, JALT 2017 International Conference: Language Teaching in a Global Age: Shaping the Classroom, Shaping the World, 2017年, ,
34 | Practicing conditional sentences using commercials and movies, The 13th Annual CamTESOL Conference, 2017年, ,
35 | Expanding Interests in Study Abroad, JALT PanSIG 2017 Expand Your Interests, 2017年, ,
36 | Expanding Interests in Study Abroad, JALT PanSIG 2017 Expand Your Interests, 2017年, ,
37 | Highlighting Issues in Study Abroad, JALT International Conference 2016 Transformation in Language Education, 2016年, ,
38 | Discussing Issues in Study Abroad, PanSIG 2016 Innovations in Education, 2016年, ,
39 | Developing Listening skills through Suprasegmentals, The 12th Annual CamTESOL Conference, 2016年, ,
40 | Discussing Issues in Study Abroad, PanSIG 2016 Innovations in Education, 2016年, ,
41 | Developing a Pre-and Post-questionnaire for Study Abroad Participants, JALT Study Abroad Conference 2016, 2016年, ,
42 | Developing Listening skills through Suprasegmentals, The 12th Annual CamTESOL Conference, 2016年, ,
43 | Highlighting Issues in Study Abroad, JALT International Conference 2016 Transformation in Language Education, 2016年, ,
44 | Developing a Pre-and Post-questionnaire for Study Abroad Participants, JALT Study Abroad Conference 2016, 2016年, ,