論文 |
No. | 論文タイトル URL, 誌名(出版物名), 巻( 号), 開始ページ- 終了ページ, 出版年月, DOI
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2 | ‘Genderism vs. Humanism’: The Generational Shift and Push for Implementing Gender Equality within Soka Gakkai-Japan , Religions, 13( 5), 1- 34, 2022年05月23日, https://doi.org/10.3390/rel13050468
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5 | 「公的自己」と日常的な主観の改革・革命:「ジェンダー主義 VS 人間主義」創価学会の青年と世界市民の意義 , SOCIOLOGIA, Vol. 46( 1-2), 57- 83, 2022年02月,
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10 | Comparing Cultures and Societies: the anthropological quest to understand the diversity and the universals of life , Collected Papers of the Humanities, Soka University, Vol. 11( No. 1), 71- 95, 2018年,
11 | Has Komeito Abandoned its Principles? Public Perception of the Party's Role in Japan's Security Legislation Debate  , The Asia-Pacific Japan Focus, 14, issue 21( 3), 1- 28, 2016年11月01日,
12 | From Japanese Buddhist sect to global citizenship: Soka Gakkai past and future  , Visioning New and Minority Religions: Projecting the Future, , , 2016年, https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315317908
13 | Grassroot responses to the Tohoku earthquake of 11 March 2011: Overcoming the dichotomy between victim and helper (Respond to this article at http://www.therai.org.uk/at/debate) , Anthropology Today, 28( 3), 16- 20, 2012年06月, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8322.2012.00873.x
14 | Religion and politics in contemporary Japan: Soka Gakkai youth and Komeito  , Religion and Politics in Contemporary Japan: Soka Gakkai Youth and Komeito, 9780203116418, , 2012年, https://doi.org/10.4324/9780203116418
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17 | Young Soka Gakkai Members as Political Actors , Japan Anthropology Workshop Newsletter, 42( 1), 1- 15, 2008年,
講演・口頭発表等 |
No. | 講演・口頭発表タイトル, 会議名, 発表年月日, 主催者, 開催地
1 | Algorithms as cultural artefacts, gender practices in Japan, and living with the simulacrum, The 3rd Japan Youth Summit: Next-Gen Tech: Discovering Innovations for Accessibility and Connectivity in the AI Era, 2025年02月05日, ,
2 | 地球規模の危機の中での文化の再分類とうして方法論, Anthropology of Japan in Japan (AJJ) 2024 Conference: Community, Collaboration and Co-production, Tohoku University, 2024年12月01日, ,
3 | 「資本新世」における人類学の倫理的地平線, The AKADEMIA Forum Symposium 2024, 2024年07月06日, ,
4 | 自分自身が規範的な社会文化的影響よりも「大我」と認識する, ヨーロッパ日本研究協会, 2023年08月20日, ,
5 | 自分自身を規範的な社会文化的影響よりも「大我」と認識することの仏教, 東洋哲学研究所シンポジウム2023: 戦争、平和、尊厳, 2023年05月28日, ,
6 | Soka Gakkai’s Approach to Human Security: Fostering substantial human security through cultivating an inner transformation in attitude and cultural outlook https://youtu.be/XwZP_oOSjMw, UNDP co-sponsored 2023 Annual Symposium on the Role of Religion and Faith-based Organizations in International Affairs: (2023 Theme) Framing Human Security as Shared Security for People and the Planet https://youtu.be/IvbymoL9h_o, 2023年01月24日, ,
7 | アニメーションオブジェクトの「魂」への物心崇拝 〜 存在論的不安が高まる時代における「培われた脆弱性」, 創価学会学術部シンポジウム: 現代社会における宗教と科学―精神性と合理性をめぐる人間と社会の変容を題材として―, 2023年1月21日, 東京, 2023年01月21日, ,
8 | Life state is everything: creating communitas for new affective social relationships, Anthropology of Japan in Japan, 2022年12月04日, ,
9 | 「天皇問題」と英国外務省―全体主義国家としての日本と「信教の自由」, 日本宗教学会, 2022年09月10日, ,
10 | Courage as a source of relational creativity in the everyday when the “enemy” is less clear: living in proximity to the US-Japan military complex in Okinawa and the failure of the future, European Association Social Anthropology Conference 2022: Transformation, Hope and Commons, 2022年07月29日, ,
11 | Soka Gakkai responses to COVID-19: Suffering, Hope, and a Civil Society in Crisis Mode, European Association for the Study of Religions, 2021年09月03日, ,
12 | 「公的自己」と日常的な主観の改革: 「ジェンダー主義 VS 人間主義」、創価学会の青年と世界市民の意義, 創価大学社会学会, 2021年06月30日, ,
13 | 「公的自己」と日常の主観に改革を起こす:新しい社会へのジェンダー関係と願望、創価学会青年の事例, 渡洋哲学研究, 2021年04月20日, ,
14 | 「公的自己」と日常の主観に改革を起こす: 日本の女性としての公共の場の仲介, Massey-ICU-SUPRI webinar series on Gender in Human Rights, 2021年01月30日, ,
15 | Negotiating Historical Memory in an Era of Purity Politics: The case of Kōmeitō’s paradoxical position in Okinawa, Contesting Memorial Space in the Asia Pacific, 2020年11月06日, ,
16 | 性別「人間性」:日本社会における男女平等への「正常生の障害」, Institute of Oriental Philosophy, 2020年01月19日, ,
17 | Change and Consistency in Security Policy: Opposition and Komeito Approaches (part of the Public Policy panel: Challenge, Change, and Tradition in an Era of Governance since the 1990s), BAJS (British Association of Japanese Studies) Conference 2018: Crisis? What Crisis? Continuity, and Change in Japan, 2018年, ,
18 | The Obscured 'Middle-way' in Japanese Politics: the Transformative Power of Dialogue, The UK Japan Society seminar series, 2018年, ,
19 | Politics of "Othering" and the 'Art of Government': the case of Japan, AAS/ASA/ASAANZ 2017 Shifting States, 2017年, ,
20 | From Ritual to Practice: Tatakau-fighting Daimoku, the Gohonzon and Buppo in Soka Gakkai., Centre for the Study of Japanese Religions Seminar, 2017年, ,
21 | The cultural enactment of identity politics of pacifism, British Ass. of Japanese Studies: Critique of/in Japanese Studies: New challenges and new approaches, 2017年, ,
22 | Politics of "Othering" and the 'Art of Government': the case of Japan, AAS/ASA/ASAANZ 2017 Shifting States, 2017年, ,
23 | Positions of Pacifism are Well and Kicking in Japan Today. But which One is the Most Persuasive?, Joint East Asia Conference at SOAS Sept. 7-9, 2016, 2016年, ,
24 | Secular Politics in the Age of Religion, Social Anthropology Seminar Series Autumn 2014, SOAS, 2014年11月, ,
25 | From Japanese Buddhist Sect to Global Citizenship: Soka Gakkai Past and Future, INFORM conference, London School of Economics, 2014年, ,
26 | From Japanese Buddhist Sect to Global Citizenship: Soka Gakkai Past and Future, INFORM conference, London School of Economics, 2014年, ,
27 | Religion and Politics in Contemporary Japan: Soka Gakkai Youth and Komeito, Centre for the Study of Japanese Religions, SOAS, 2013年, ,
28 | Socially Engaged in a Political World: Soka Gakkai and Civil Society, Faith in Civil Society – Religious Actors as Drivers of Change. Uppsala University, Sweden, 2012年, ,
29 | 40 Years of Grassroots Diplomacy and the Fostering of an Internationalist Mind-set: the Disputed Senkaku Islands, Peace Proposal Symposium, SGI-UK, Taplow, 2012年, ,
30 | On Being Religious in a/the Political World: How to Understand Soka Gakkai and its Support for Komeito, European Japan Research Centre Seminar Series 2012, Oxford Brookes University., 2012年, ,
31 | Nichiren's Political Attitude and Soka Gakkai's Quest for Social Transformation: Keeping the Balance between an Ethic of Ultimate Ends and an Ethics of Responsibility, Social Anthropology Seminar Series, Spring 2011, SOAS, 2011年, ,
32 | Protecting Soka Gakkai? Komeito’s Role in Politics from the Perspective of the Supporter, British Association of Japanese Studies Conference, SOAS, London, 2010年, ,
33 | Protecting Soka Gakkai? Komeito’s Role in Politics from the Perspective of the Supporter, British Association of Japanese Studies Conference, SOAS, London, 2010年, ,
34 | Gramsci and Religious Movements for Cultural Change, Japan Anthropology Workshop Conference, Austin University, Texas, 2010年, ,
35 | Gramsci and Religious Movements for Cultural Change, Japan Anthropology Workshop Conference, Austin University, Texas, 2010年, ,
36 | Young Soka Gakkai Members as Political Actors, INFORM/CESNUR conference, London School of Economics, 2008年, ,
37 | Young Soka Gakkai Members as Political Actors, INFORM/CESNUR conference, London School of Economics, 2008年, ,
38 | To What Extent do Japanese Images of Western Political Systems Shape the Understanding of the Role of Religion in Politics for Soka Gakkai?, Japan Anthropology Workshop Conference, Oslo University, 2007年, ,
39 | To What Extent do Japanese Images of Western Political Systems Shape the Understanding of the Role of Religion in Politics for Soka Gakkai?, Japan Anthropology Workshop Conference, Oslo University, 2007年, ,
40 | Interpreting Religious Text: Soka Gakkai on the Meaning of the Spiritual as Political Action, Reading Spiritualties Conference, Department of Religious Studies, Lancaster University, 2006年, ,
41 | Interpreting Religious Text: Soka Gakkai on the Meaning of the Spiritual as Political Action, Reading Spiritualties Conference, Department of Religious Studies, Lancaster University, 2006年, ,
42 | The Issue of the Iraq War and Soka Gakkai Members’ Support for Komeito, Institute of Oriental Philosophy, Taplow, UK., 2005年, ,
43 | Religious Idealism and Political Reality: Young Soka Gakkai Members as Komeito Supporters, The Centre for the Study of Japanese Religions Seminar, SOAS, 2005年, ,
44 | Dilemmas over the Iraq War of Young Soka University Students in Their Support for the Komei Party, Research Student Forum: Japanese Humanities, Birkbeck & the Japan Research Centre, SOAS, 2005年, ,
45 | Dilemmas over the Iraq War of Young Soka University Students in Their Support for the Komei Party, Research Student Forum: Japanese Humanities, Birkbeck & the Japan Research Centre, SOAS, 2005年, ,
46 | Religious Idealism and Political Reality: Young Soka Gakkai Members as Komeito Supporters, The Centre for the Study of Japanese Religions Seminar, SOAS, 2005年, ,
47 | Religious Messages on Gender Equality: Women in Soka Gakkai in Japan and the SGI-UK, British Sociological Association: Sociology of Religion Conference, Lancaster University, 2005年, ,
48 | The Issue of the Iraq War and Soka Gakkai Members’ Support for Komeito, Institute of Oriental Philosophy, Taplow, UK., 2005年, ,
49 | Religious Messages on Gender Equality: Women in Soka Gakkai in Japan and the SGI-UK, British Sociological Association: Sociology of Religion Conference, Lancaster University, 2005年, ,