No. | MISCタイトル URL, 誌名, 巻( 号), 開始ページ- 終了ページ, 出版年月(日)
1 | POLITICAL CONNECTIONS, GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS AND RISK-TAKING – Evidence from China , Frontier of Economics in China, 13( 3), 1- 21, 2018年
2 | POLITICAL CONNECTIONS, GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS AND RISK-TAKING – Evidence from China , Frontier of Economics in China, 13( 3), 1- 21, 2018年
3 | CSR as Corporate Growth Strategy - A Case Study of Foxconn , Annals of the Japan Society for the Study of Business Administration (経営学論集), 88( 1), 1-6- 6, 2017年12月
4 | Asset Pricing under Multiple Uncertainties and Submarkets  , 東亜地域際経営研究 = Journal of East Eurasia inter-regional business administration, Vol. 14( No. 7), 17- 36, 2015年
5 | Asset Pricing under Multiple Uncertainties and Submarkets  , Journal of East Euraisa Inter-regional Business Management, Vol. 14( No. 7), 17- 36, 2015年
6 | The Effect of Special Treatment Designation on Information Transmission in the Chinese Stock Market , International Journal of Economics and Statistics (ISSN: 2309-0685), 2, 294-305. (EI, SCOPUS), Vol. 1( No. 2), 294-305- 305, 2014年01月
7 | The Impact of Corporate Governance on Corporate Social Responsibility:A Panel Data Analysis , Management World, , 1-14- 14, 2014年01月
8 | Ownership Structure, Board Composition, and Corporate Social Responsibility-A Quantile Regression Analysis  , Journal of East-Eurasia Inter-regional Business Administration (ISSN: 1346-8634) (Indexed in Japan National Diet Library), 12( 12-13), 63-86- 86, 2014年01月
9 | Collaboration between the Japanese Manufacturers and the Local Suppliers in Vietnam , International Journal of Economics and Statistics (ISSN: 2309-0685), 2, 51-62. (EI, SCOPUS, EBSCO), 2, 51-62- 62, 2014年01月
10 | Evaluating Firm Performance with Balanced Scorecard and Data Envelopment Analysis , WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics, 1( 10), 24-39- 39, 2013年06月
11 | The Impacts of Corporate Social Responsibility on Corporate Image and Firm Performance, Evidence from the Technology Industry in Taiwan , Management World (2013-625) (ISSN: 1002-5502), , 234-239- 239, 2013年06月
12 | Evaluating an Investment Project in an Incomplete Market , Review of Finance and Banking, 4( 1), 55-73- 73, 2012年06月
13 | The Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and Firm Performance: An Application of Quantile Regression , Frontiers of Business Research in China, 6( 2), 218-244- 244, 2012年06月
14 | The Liquidity Effect in Stock Markets Evidence from Taiwan , International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 6( 6), 715-722- 722, 2012年06月
15 | The Impact of Fulfilling Corporate Social Responsibility on Firm Performance - A Stakeholder’s Approach , International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, 32( 3), 206-215- 215, 2012年06月
16 | Testing Mediator and Moderator Effects of Independent Director on Firm Performance , International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 5( 6), 698-705- 705, 2012年06月
17 | Examining the Uncertainty-Investment Relationship under Various Stochastic Processes , Banking and Finance Review, 3( 1), 1-22- 22, 2011年06月
18 | Style Investing – Evidence from Taiwan , Tung-Hai Management Review, 13( 1), 1-46- 46, 2011年06月
19 | Corporate Social Responsibility and Stock Performance , Modern Economy, 2( 5), 788-799- 799, 2011年06月
20 | The Impacts of Free Cash Flows and Agency Costs on Firm Performance , Journal of Service Science and Management, 3( 4), 408-418- 418, 2010年06月
講演・口頭発表等 |
No. | 講演・口頭発表タイトル, 会議名, 発表年月日, 主催者, 開催地
1 | Recent Trends in Corporate Social Responsibility, International Conference on Global Trend Management (GTM 2019), 2019年10月, ,
2 | Evaluating JR’s Chuo Shinkansen Project with Real Options Analysis, The 92nd Annual Conference of Japan Academy of Business Administration, 2018年09月, ,
3 | A New Approach to Government’s Funding to Social Enterprise, The 2018 Biennial Conference of Asian Consumer and Family Economics Association (ACFEA), 2018年07月, ,
4 | A New Approach to Government’s Funding to Social Enterprises, The 88th Conference of the Society for the Economic Studies of Securities, 2018年06月, ,
5 | A New Approach to Government’s Funding to Social Enterprise, The 2018 Biennial Conference of Asian Consumer and Family Economics Association (ACFEA), 2018年, ,
6 | A New Approach to Government’s Funding to Social Enterprises, The 88th Conference of the Society for the Economic Studies of Securities, 2018年, ,
7 | A New Approach to Government’s Funding to Social Enterprises, The 88th Conference of the Society for the Economic Studies of Securities, 2018年, ,
8 | Evaluating JR’s Chuo Shinkansen Project with Real Options Analysis, The 92nd Annual Conference of Japan Academy of Business Administration, 2018年, ,
9 | A New Approach to Government’s Funding to Social Enterprise, The 2018 Biennial Conference of Asian Consumer and Family Economics Association (ACFEA), 2018年, ,
10 | Evaluating JR’s Chuo Shinkansen Project with Real Options Analysis, The 92nd Annual Conference of Japan Academy of Business Administration, 2018年, ,
共同研究・競争的資金等の研究課題 |
No. | 提供機関, 制度名, 課題名等, 資金種別, 研究期間
1 | Japan Society for Promoting Science (JSPS), , Globalization, Corporate Governance, and Corporate Social Responsibility, , 2016年 - 2019年
2 | , フロンティア研究, Style Investment, 競争的資金, 2007年 - 2010年
3 | , Frontier Research, Style Investment, 競争的資金, 2007年 - 2010年
4 | , その他の研究制度, Investment evaluation, 競争的資金, 2004年 - 2009年
5 | , The Other Research Programs, Investment evaluation, 競争的資金, 2004年 - 2009年
Works(作品等) |
No. | 作品名, 作品分類, 発表年月, 発表場所(開催地)
1 | The Case Teaching Approach (Faculty Development Speech), 芸術活動, 2020年01月 - 現在, Gakushuin University, Japan (学習院大学)
2 | Recent Trends in Corporate Social Responsibility, 芸術活動, 2019年10月 - 現在, National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan (台湾国立彰化師範大学)
3 | International Finance Workshop, 芸術活動, 2019年09月 - 現在, Shanghai University of Business and Economics, China (中國 上海對外經貿大学)
4 | Kakenhi Writing Tips (Faculty Development Speech), 芸術活動, 2019年09月 - 現在, Soka University, Japan (創価大学)
5 | Marketing from a Global Perspective, 芸術活動, 2019年07月 - 現在, Northern Polytechnic University, China (中國 西北工業大学)
6 | Globalization, Corporate Governance, and Corporate Social Responsibility, , 2016年 - 2019年,
7 | Globalization, Corporate Governance, and Corporate Social Responsibility, , 2016年 - 2019年,
研究プロジェクトへの参加 |
No. | プロジェクト名, 参加開始年月
1 | Exploring Japan’s Culture, Society, and Business Environment through Recent News Events, 2025年02月 - 2025年03月
2 | Culture & Corporate Strategies, 2024年05月 - 2024年07月
3 | Sustainability Reporting and Firm Performance in East Asian Countries (JSPS), 2023年04月 - 2024年03月
4 | The Impact of Covid-19 on Japanese Economy and Consumers, 2022年12月 - 2023年03月
5 | An Introduction to Taiwan Hospitality Industries, 2022年05月 - 2022年07月
6 | ESG, Firm Performance, and Corporate Policy, 2022年04月 - 2024年03月
7 | How ESG would impact on Corporate Competitive Strategies, 2021年04月 - 2022年03月
8 | Sustainability Reporting and Firm Performance in East Asian Countries, 2021年04月 - 2022年03月
9 | Sustainability Reporting and Firm Performance in East Asian Countires, 2019年04月 - 2022年03月
10 | Sustainability Reporting and Firm Performance in East Asian Countries, 2019年04月 - 2023年03月
11 | Sustainability Reporting and Firm Performance in East Asian Countires, 2019年04月 - 2024年03月