論文 |
No. | 論文タイトル URL, 誌名(出版物名), 巻( 号), 開始ページ- 終了ページ, 出版年月, DOI
1 | From ‘A Coherence Theory’ to Triangulation: The Stanford Conversations and Davidson’s Externalism , Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy. Special issue on the 1986 Stanford Conversations between Davidson, Dreben, Quine and Føllesdal., , , 2025年,
2 | “Précis” and “Replies to my critics,” , Asian Journal of Philosophy Asian Journal of Philosophy 2: Articles 63 and 55. Book Symposium on Quine, Conceptual Pragmatism and the Analytic-Synthetic Distinction. Available at (https://link.springer.com/collections/jachgefchc)., , , 2023年,
3 | Quine’s Structural Holism and the Constitutive A Priori , Quine: Structure and Ontology, Edited by Frederique Janssen-Lauret, Oxford University Press, , 147- 167, 2020年11月,
4 | Science, Sense, and Sensibilia: Quine and Austin on Perception , Al-Mukhatabat, 27, , 2019年06月,
5 | North American Idealism and the Search for a Practical Philosophy , Available at (http://ijp.tamu.edu/blog/?page_id=831)., 9, , 2018年10月,
6 | Vision and Technique in Pragmatist Philosophy , The Pluralist, , In press- , 2016年,
7 | On Quine's Debt to Pragmatism: C.I. Lewis and the Pragmatic A Priori , Quine and his Place in History, Edited by Frederique Janssen-Lauret and Gary Kemp, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan., , 76- 99, 2016年,
8 | Margolis on Quine: Naturalized Epistemology and the Problem of Evidence , Pragmatism, Metaphysics and Culture: Reflections on the Philosophy of Joseph Margolis, Nordic Studies in Pragmatism 2, Edited by Dirk-Martin Grube and Robert Sinclair, Helsinki: Nordic Pragmatism Network., , 158- 176, 2015年,
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10 | Quine on Evidence , A Companion to Quine, Edited by Gilbert Harman and Ernest Lepore, Malden: Wiley-Blackwell., , 350- 372, 2014年,
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12 | Morton White's Moral Pragmatism , Cognitio: Revista de Filosofia, 12, 143- 155, 2011年,
13 | Anthropocentric Naturalism , Pragmatism, Science and Naturalism, Edited by Jonathan Knowles and Henrik Rydenfelt, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, , 13- 30, 2011年,
14 | Dewey, Religion, and the New Atheism , CONTEMPORARY PRAGMATISM, 7( 1), 93- 106, 2010年06月,
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16 | Nielsen's Conception of Philosophy: Its Essential Tension and Deweyan Resolution , Reason and Emancipation: Essays on the Philosophy of Kai Nielsen, Edited by Matthias Fritsch and Michel Seymour, New York: Humanity Books., , 165- 176, 2007年,
17 | Quine's Naturalized Epistemology and the Third Dogma of Empiricism , The Southern Journal of Philosophy, 45, 455- 472, 2007年,
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19 | When Naturalized Epistemology Turns Normative: Kim on the Failures of Quinean Epistemology , Southwest Philosophy Review, 20, 53- 67, 2004年,
20 | What is radical interpretation? Davidson, fodor, and the naturalization of philosophy , INQUIRY-AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY, 45( 2), 161- 184, 2002年06月,
21 | Stimulus Meaning Reconsidered , The Southern Journal of Philosophy, 40, 395- 409, 2002年,
講演・口頭発表等 |
No. | 講演・口頭発表タイトル, 会議名, 発表年月日, 主催者, 開催地
1 | Habits, Growth, and the Search for a Cosmopolitan Identity: Some Deweyan Reflections, Waseda Philosophy Research Seminar, Waseda University, Tokyo., 2024年05月, ,
2 | “Growth, Education and the Search for a Cosmopolitan Identity: Some Deweyan Reflections”, First International Symposium on Global Citizenship Education, Soka University, Tokyo., 2022年10月, ,
3 | “Quine, Lewis and Phenomenalism”, The Tenth Annual Conference of the Society for the Study of the History of Analytical Philosophy (SSHAP), School of Philosophy and Sociology, Shanxi University, China. (Online), 2022年, ,
4 | Kūkai’s Pragmatism, International Society of East Asian Philosophy (ISEAP) Conference, Meiji Institute of Philosophies, Meiji University. (Online), 2021年12月06日, ,
5 | An Analysis of Knowledge and Valuation and Quine’s ‘Two Dogmas of Empiricism’, The Thirteenth Biennial Congress of the;International;Society for the;History of;Philosophy of;Science (HOPOS;Nanyang Technological University;Singapore, Jun;Cancelled due to COVID;pandemic, 2020年, ,
6 | Dewey's Unmodern Philosophy and Modern Philosophy and the Ideology of Technicism, The Third European Pragmatism Conference, University of Helsinki, Finland., 2018年, ,
7 | Dewey’s Unmodern Philosophy and Modern Philosophy and the Ideology of Technicism, The Third European Pragmatism Conference, University of Helsinki, Finland., 2018年, ,
8 | Introducing Quine's Kant Lectures, Society for the Study of The History of Analytical Philosophy (SSHAP) Symposium on Quine’s Immanuel Kant Lectures Science and Sensibilia, Central APA Meetings, Chicago., 2018年, ,
9 | Quine's Critical Turn? Truth by Convention and Conceptual Pragmatism, Tokyo Forum for Analytic Philosophy, University of Tokyo, Japan., 2017年, ,
10 | Dewey's Unmodern Philosophy and Modern Philosophy as Ethnoepistemology, John Dewey Society of Japan Meetings, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan., 2017年, ,
11 | Dewey's Unmodern Philosophy and Modern Philosophy as Ethnoepistemology, International Conference on Ethno-Epistemology - Culture, Language, and Methodology, Kanazawa, Japan, 2016年, ,
12 | Quine's Naturalism and the Constitutive A Priori, Tokyo Forum for Analytic Philosophy, University of Tokyo, Japan, 2015年, ,
13 | Quine' s Holism and the Constitutive A Priori, Quine: Structuring Understanding and Understanding Structure, University of Glasgow, Scotland., 2015年, ,
14 | Vision and Technique in Pragmatist Philosophy: Some Remarks on Misak's Peirce and Ramsey on Truth, Charles S. Peirce International Centennial Congress: Invigorating Philosophy for the 21st Century, University of Massachusetts Lowell, 2014年, ,
15 | On Quine's Debt to Pragmatism: C.I. Lewis and the Pragmatic A Priori, Quine and his Place in History, University of Glasgow, Scotland, 2014年, ,
Works(作品等) |
No. | 作品名, 作品分類, 発表年月, 発表場所(開催地)
1 | “Epistemic Injustice,” The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Edited by James Fieser and Bradley Dowden. Forthcoming in 2025., , 2025年 - 現在,
2 | “Pragmatism and Scientific Philosophy in Carnap and Quine,” Critical Review of Sean Morris (editor), The Philosophical Project of Carnap and Quine, Cambridge University Press, 2023, British Journal for the History of Philosophy 32 (2024): 895-902., , 2024年 - 現在,
3 | Book Review: Paul Fairfield, Introducing Dewey, Bloomsbury Publications, 2024, Philosophy in Review 44 (2024): 4-6., , 2024年 - 現在,
4 | “Pragmatism,” In The SAGE Encyclopedia of Theory in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, Edited by James Mattingly, 2023, 748-50, Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications., , 2022年06月 - 現在,
5 | Book Review: Quentin Kammer, Jean-Philippe Narboux, and Henri Wagner (editors), C.I. Lewis, The A Priori and the Given, Routledge, HOPOS 12, 2022, 315-319., その他, 2022年04月 - 現在,
6 | “Science and Democracy,” Philosophy World Democracy. Published January 2022. Available at (https://www.philosophy-world-democracy.org/articles-1/science-and-democracy)., 教材, 2022年01月 - 現在,
7 | Review: Sander Verhaegh;Working from Within;The Nature;Development of;Quine's Naturalism;Oxford University Press;British Journal;for the;History of Philosophy, その他, 2020年 - 現在,
8 | “Team Sports and Epistemic Trust,” Fair Play: Revista de Filosofía, Ética y Derecho del Deporte 18 (2020): 146-157. Available at (https://www.upf.edu/en/web/revistafairplay/numero-actual)., その他, 2020年 - 現在,
9 | Book Review: Peter Olen and Carl Sachs (Editors), Pragmatism in Transition: Contemporary Perspectives on C.I. Lewis, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017. Forthcoming in HOPOS., , 2019年10月 - 現在,
10 | "Reification," In Bad Arguments: 100 of the Most Important Fallacies in Western Philosophy, Edited by Robert Arp, Michael Bruce and Steve Barbone, Malden: Wiley-Blackwell., , 2018年 - 現在,
11 | "Dewey, John (1859-1952)," In Reforming America: A Thematic Encyclopedia and Document Collection of the Progressive Era, Volume 2, Edited by Jeffrey Johnson, 2017, 530-533, Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO., , 2017年 - 現在,
12 | Book Review: Justin Smith, The Philosopher: A History in Six Types, Princeton University Press, 2016, Forthcoming in Metaphilosophy., , 2017年 - 現在,
13 | Book Review: Philip Kitcher, Life After Faith: The Case for Secular Humanism, Yale University Press, 2014, Philosophy in Review 36: 17-19., , 2016年 - 現在,
14 | Dewey, Nagel, and the Challenges of American Naturalism, Avello Publishing Journal 5 (2015): 1–15. Available at (https://avellopublishing.wordpress.com/journal/volume-5-issue-1/contents/)., , 2015年 - 現在,
15 | "Atheism," In The Encyclopedia of Diversity and Social Justice, Edited by Sherwood Thompson, 83-87, Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield., , 2015年 - 現在,
16 | "McGinn, Atheism, and Religious Commitment,"Theoretical and Applied Ethics 1: 21-26., , 2012年 - 現在,
17 | "Quine's Two Dogmas of Empiricism", "Quine's Epistemology Naturalized", "Quine on the Indeterminacy of Translation, " In Just the Arguments, Edited by Michael Bruce and Steven Barbone, Wiley-Blackwell., , 2011年 - 現在,
18 | "Dewey and the Problem of Religion," In Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy 45: 321-327, Myung-Hyun-Lee (Editor-in-Chief), Charlottesville, Virginia: Philosophy Documentation Center., , 2010年 - 現在,
19 | "Willard Van Orman Quine: Philosophy of Science," In The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Edited by James Fieser and Bradley Dowden, (http://www.iep.utm.edu/quine-sc/), , 2009年 - 現在,
20 | "Quine in Historical Context," Critical Notice of Peter Hylton's Quine, Routledge, 2007, Philosophical Inquiry 30: 185-192., , 2008年 - 現在,
21 | "Philosophy, conceptions of," In American Philosophy: An Encyclopedia, Edited by John Lachs and Robert Talisse, 586-590, New York: Routledge Press., , 2008年 - 現在,
22 | "A Less Radical Interpretation of Davidson and Quine," Critical Notice of Hans-Johann Glock's Quine and Davidson on Language, Thought and Reality, Cambridge University Press, 2003, Dialogue 45: 107-124., , 2006年 - 現在,