論文 |
No. | 論文タイトル URL, 誌名(出版物名), 巻( 号), 開始ページ- 終了ページ, 出版年月, DOI
1 | Japanese Learners’ Beliefs and Communicative Language Teaching: A Comparison of Expectations and Practices. , Language and Cross-cultural Communication. 1(1); 2016. (with R. Stroupe, A. Fenton and M. Riley), 1( 1), 22-39- , 2016年06月,
2 | The Role of Integrated English Language Skills and Critical Thinking in the Development of Global Awareness. , Sociology Study, Vol. 4( No. 3), 316-322- , 2014年04月,
3 | The World Language Center Speaking Assessment: A Tool for Measuring Learning Outcomes , The Journal of Learner-centered Higher Education., May( 2012), 111-125- , 2012年05月,
4 | Confronting Difference in Japan through Curriculum Reform: The Case of the Integrated Curriculum , The Second Asian Conference on Education. Official Conference Proceedings, , 125-145- , 2010年12月,
5 | Japanese Education from a Foreign Perspective: Tradition and Change , 61st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Educational Sociology Association: Conference Proceedings, 61, 45-46- , 2009年10月,
6 | Inequality in Japan: How the Integrated Curriculum Has Provided Opportunities to Confront Enthic Difference. , Annual Conference of the Japanese Educational Reserach Association. Presentation Abstracts, , 69-70- , 2009年09月,
7 | Students’ Expectations and the Language Learning Context , CAMTesol Conference on English Language Teaching. Selected Paper, 5, 157-175- , 2009年02月,
8 | Integrating the ESL Curriculum: Towards a Cognitive Learning Approach. , CAMTesol Conference on English Language Teaching. Selected Papers, 4, 121-145- , 2008年12月,
9 | National Reactions to International Education Assessments: A Japan/U.S. Comparison: , 67th Annual Conference of the Japanese Educational Reseaarch Association. Presentation Abstracts. No. 67, , 180-181- , 2008年09月,
10 | Curriculum Reform in Japan: Reflections of Cultural Change in the Integrated Curriculum. , Working Paper, Center of Excellence for Academic Competencies, University of Tokyo., , 1-16- , 2005年10月,
11 | Education Reform and Social Change: The Case of Osaka , Human Rights Education in Asian Schools, (8), , 79-88- , 2005年05月,
講演・口頭発表等 |
No. | 講演・口頭発表タイトル, 会議名, 発表年月日, 主催者, 開催地
1 | Redesigning Education for the Promises and Perils of the 21st Century, International Seminar on Education and Student Empowerment, 2019年11月, ,
2 | Global Citizenship Education in an Age of Populism and Xenophobia, Joint Seminar with Faculty of International Liberal Arts, Thammasat University, Thailand, 2019年08月, ,
3 | The Integrated Curriculum and Education for Sustainable Development, Toward the Society for Education, 2019年05月, ,
4 | Japan's Public Education System: Tradition and Change, Education for Sustainable Development US-Japan Educator Exchange Program Hosted by the United States Japan Education Commission (JUSEC), 2018年06月, ,
5 | Global Citizenship in Higher Education, Thammasat-Soka Joint Seminar, 2018年05月, ,
6 | Denshosha: Documenting Oral Histories of Hiroshima Atomic Bomb Survivors, The International Symposium on Strengthening Peace through Education: Nagasaki, Japan, 2017年08月, ,
7 | English Medium Instruction: Success and Struggle, Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) Annual Conference: Nagoya, Japan, 2016年11月, ,
8 | Globalizing Trends in Japan's Higher Education, Comparative and International Education Society: CIES, 2016年03月, ,
9 | Implementing English-Medium Courses in Higher Education., First Annual Conference on Global Higher Education, Lakeland College, Tokyo, Japan., 2014年05月, ,
10 | An International Understanding Approach to ESL., Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT), 2013年10月, ,
11 | The Role of Integrated English Skills and Critical Thinking in the Development of Global Awareness., Conference on Human Development in Asia., 2013年08月, ,
12 | Accountability in University Language Programs: Speaking Assessments, Ninth CamTESOL Conference on English Teaching,, 2013年02月, ,
13 | Measuring ESL Learning Outcomes: Oral Proficiency, Japan Association for Language Teaching, 2012年10月, ,
14 | Acknowledging Learning Difference: The Implications of Ability Tracking in Japan., Comparative and International Education Society (CIES). Montreal, Canada, 2011年05月, ,
15 | Curriculum Reform in Japan: Approaches to Changing Local and Global Contexts via the Integrated Curriculum. Japanese Education in a Global Era: Enduring Issues in New Contexts, Comparative and International Education Society (CIES). Pre-conference workshop sponsored by the Japan Foundation., 2011年05月, ,
16 | The Role of English Language Proficiency and Critical Thinking Skills in the Development of Global Citizenship, The 1st Clark City International Teacher Conference. Panpanga, The Philippines, 2010年12月, ,
17 | Confronting Difference in Japan through Curriculum Reform: The Case of the Integrated Curriculum, The Second Asian Conference on Education., 2010年12月, ,
18 | Communicative and Cultural Constraints to Participatory Management in Japanese Higher Education., The Association of Canadian Teachers in Japan., 2010年09月, ,
19 | Integrating Curriculum in the ESL Classroom., CamTESOL Conference on English Teaching, 2010年02月, ,
20 | Understanding and Meeting Students' Changing Expectations., 6th Cambodia TESOL Conference on English Language Teaching "One World: World Englishes.", 2010年02月, ,
21 | Attitudes and Percetions of English Language Learning in Asia: A Comparative Study, 30th Thai TESOL International Conference. "ELT in the Next Decade: Sharing, Caring and Daring.", 2010年01月, ,
22 | Student/Teacher Expectations in the ESL Classroom., 35th Annual JALT International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning., 2009年11月, ,
23 | Elementary School English: The Yokohama Model., Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT), 2009年11月, ,
24 | A Comparison of Learner Attitudes and Perceptions., 35th Annual JALT International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning, 2009年11月, ,
25 | Foreign Views of Japanese Schooling: Tradition and Change, 61st Annual Meeting: The Japan Society of Educational Sociology, 2009年09月, ,
26 | Inequality in Japan: How the Integrated Curriculum Has Provided Opportunities to Confront Enthic Difference, 68th Annual Conference of the Japanese Educational Reserach Association., 2009年08月, ,
27 | Learning Environments and Reform Directions in Japanese Education: Critical and Narrative Constructions: Education Policy Reform in Japan and the United States: Converging or Diverging?, Comparative and International Education Society (CIES): The Politics of Comparison, 2009年03月, ,
28 | Critical Issues in Japanese Education and Their Core Constiuencies in International and Cross Disciplinary Perspective., Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), 2009年03月, ,
29 | Students’ Expectations and the Language Learning Context. CamTESOL International Conference, CamTESOL International Conference, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 2009年02月, ,
30 | Integrated Skills and Curriculum Development, Japan Association of Language Teachers (JALT), 2008年11月, ,
31 | National Reactions to International Education Assessments: A Japan/U.S. Comparison., Japanese Educational Research Association (JERA), 2008年08月, ,
32 | Curriculum Reform and Social Change in Japan, Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), 2007年02月, ,
33 | Curriculum Reform as a Reflection of Tradition and Change: Japanese Teachers` Approaches to Dimensions of Difference Via the Integrated Curriculum, XXX, 2006年05月, ,
34 | Amerika no Kodomo no Shingaku [Educational Advancement for American Children], A scholarly panel/public discussion on the role of supplemental education in various national contexts. University of Tokyo, Japan., 2005年12月, ,
35 | Classroom Breakdown in Japan: Social, Comparative and International Education Society (CIES). Washington, D.C., 2001年01月, ,