教育方法の実践例 |
No. | 概要, 年度
1 | In 2022, I utilized Google Sheets to gather examples of student writings and transcripts of their spoken language. Through these Google Sheets, I provided personalized feedback to each student. However, with the advent of Large Language Models and the introduction of ChatGPT in 2023, I began using ChatGPT's API to expedite the feedback process on student submissions within Google Sheets. This approach forms the core of my Institutional Review Board (IRB) application and research project spanning 2023 and 2024., 2023年度
2 | Peer Teaching method: Students learn the content of authentic materials, study them, disseminate what they have learned through presentation, summary writing and testing materials. Then students use all the content created by other students to learn their content. Discussion of the content in essay question and interview format ensures at what level students can share the content they have studied., 2022年度
3 | CEFR Mapping Tool: Based on a research paper I helped to write in 2021, I developed an improved CEFR mapping tool to help instructors search for Can-Do descriptors, localize them for lessons and the syllabus, and automatically input the Can-Do descriptors into a bank of learning materials., 2022年度
4 | This past year, 2021, I began the integration of CEFR Can-do statements. These statements help students focus on the goals they want to achieve., 2021年度
5 | For the 2021 academic year, I integrated 12 poster presentation sessions in my GCP class. The benefits of these poster sessions are:
1. Students must study the content to the point they don't need a script. They know the material and can effectively discuss it with others.
2. Students get the chance to repeat their poster session at least 4 times during the class. Repetition helps students retain what they learn and teach to others.
3. For language learning purposes, students must use English to work together. Students help each other and conduct peer reviews of their material prior to the poster session.
4. Poster presentations help students retain the content so well that they are able to write about their experience and the content without notes., 2021年度
6 | In 2020, in my Human Rights class, I used material from the UK government on protecting human rights. I used the same material in 2021. However, in 2021, I also incorporated new materials concerning the Human Rights abuses during the Ethiopian and Tigrayan conflict. Students were asked to prove that they understand the conflict in an unbiased way and to critically consider the actions on both sides as to whether they constituted human rights abuses or not., 2021年度
7 | In my Human Rights class, students studied UK Human Rights cases and analyzed the cases using the Human Rights: Human Lives flowchart from a UK governmental document that guides stakeholders through the process of classifying certain cases as a Human Rights abuse or criminal/civil court case.
This activity required students to summarize their case in writing and discussion and present their analysis of whether the case is a human rights abuse or a civil/criminal case., 2020年度
8 | In my EAP for Global Citizenship, students had to read a complete chapter of the textbook, summarize the contents, outline the contents, collect the most important vocabulary, make essay questions to test other students, and prepare a final presentation. From the final presentations, students had to choose 2 of the other presentations, study those from the video and the book, then interview the students to see how much they learned by asking them the essay questions. Students must study and learn the content in order to teach it to others., 2020年度
FD活動への参加 |
No. | 実施年月, 主催団体名, 研修名
1 | 2024年11月, 創価大学, 第2回「English系科目群」科目担当者会
2 | 2024年10月, 創価大学, 国際平和学研究科FD
3 | 2024年06月, 創価大学, 第1回「English系科目群」科目担当者会
4 | 2024年02月, 創価大学, 第2回生成AI活用に関する情報交流会
5 | 2024年01月, 創価大学, WLC PDセッション
6 | 2023年12月, 創価大学, 第2回「English系科目群」科目担当者会
7 | 2023年10月, 創価大学, 第3回FD・SDセミナー
8 | 2023年07月, Soka University, WLC PD Session
9 | 2023年05月, Soka University, WLC PD Session
10 | 2023年04月, Soka University, English 1234 Levels C and D Meeting 1
11 | 2023年04月, Soka University, English 1234 Levels C and D Meeting 2
12 | 2022年10月, 創価大学, Global Lecture Series
13 | 2022年06月, 創価大学, WLC主催のグローバル・レクチャー・シリーズ
14 | 2021年12月, Soka University WLC, CEFR Workshop #9
15 | 2021年12月, Soka University WLC, My Share by 3 presenters
16 | 2021年11月, Soka University WLC, CEFR Workshop #8
17 | 2021年11月, Soka University WLC, Teacher perceptions of learner autonomy during the Emergency Remote Teaching
18 | 2021年10月, Soka University WLC, CEFR Workshop #7
19 | 2021年10月, Soka University WLC, M-Reader Set-up Short Workshop
20 | 2021年06月, Soka University WLC, MyShare Presentations
21 | 2021年05月, Soka University WLC, CEFR Workshop #2
22 | 2020年06月, Soka University WLC, Using Google Classroom Part 2
23 | 2020年06月, Soka University WLC, Zoom Activities