FD活動への参加 |
No. | 実施年月, 主催団体名, 研修名
1 | 2024年07月, University College, London, The 12th European Conference on Language Learning (ECLL2024).
2 | 2024年02月, 創価大学, 第6回国際教養学部リサーチ・セミナー
3 | 2024年02月, 創価大学, 第5回国際教養学部リサーチ・セミナー
4 | 2023年10月, Soka University: Faculty of International Liberal Arts, Sustainable Development Goals: A Perspective from ASEAN and Malaysia
5 | 2023年09月, 創価大学, 第3回国際教養学部リサーチ・セミナー
6 | 2023年09月, Soka University: Faculty of International Liberal Arts, Localising Sustainable Development Goals in Malaysia: Opportunities and Challenges
7 | 2023年07月, Soka University: Faculty of International Liberal Arts, Self-Regulating Behaviour in Social Media Use among Malaysian Muslim Consumers: Implications for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
8 | 2023年06月, Soka University: Faculty of International Liberal Arts, SDGs and Creative Cities: The Case of Georgetown Penang, Malaysia
9 | 2023年06月, Soka University, The Case for a New United Nations Charter
10 | 2023年06月, 創価大学, 教育学部FD
11 | 2023年06月, 創価大学, 第1回国際教養学部リサーチ・セミナー
12 | 2023年04月, 創価大学, 事業報告会
13 | 2023年02月, Soka University: Faculty of International Liberal Arts, Communiversity: A New University Structure
14 | 2023年02月, Soka University: Faculty of International Liberal Arts, Look East Policy
15 | 2022年11月, Soka University, Cruise Vistors revisit and WOM Behavior
16 | 2022年09月, Soka University, BEVI Workshop
17 | 2022年06月, 創価大学, 科目担当者会English系科目
18 | 2022年06月, Soka University, Enhancing Maritime Connectivity through Maritime Transport and Water Networks Development in Southeast Asia
19 | 2022年06月, 創価大学, FILAリサーチ・セミナー
20 | 2022年05月, 創価大学, 事業説明会
21 | 2020年10月, Soka University, Transnational Identities on Okinawa's Military Bases: Invisible Armies
22 | 2020年06月, Soka University, The G20 Response to COVID-19: Civil Society Contributions
23 | 2019年12月, Soka University, General Education Course
24 | 2019年07月, Soka University, “Reforming the United Nations”
25 | 2019年07月, Soka University, Dr Buang will present on "Religion and Finance in the Modern World: A Quest for an Identity”.
26 | 2019年06月, Soka University, Global Liberal Education
27 | 2019年05月, Soka University Education Department, Framing Post-secondary Instructor Perspectives on Experiential Learning within Soka Education Theory
28 | 2019年04月, Soka University, Top Global University Project: Briefing Session
29 | 2019年04月, Soka University, Migration in Global Perspective
30 | 2019年03月, Soka University, China's Belt and Road Initiative:
31 | 2018年12月, Soka University, Analyzing the Beliefs, Events, and Values Inventory (BEVI)”.
32 | 2018年11月, Soka University, English Medium Instruction: Isn't this just good instruction?
33 | 2018年07月, Soka University, Faculty of International Liberal Arts, Territorial Disputes in an Era of Systemic Change: Examining the South China Sea Dispute
34 | 2018年07月, Soka University, Faculty of International Liberal Arts, Peace Dividends: The Impact of Economic Aid on Negotiated Peace Settlements
35 | 2018年04月, Soka University, 2018 Soka University Project Vision
36 | 2018年04月, Soka University, Briefing Session on the Top Global University Project
37 | 2017年11月, Soka University, Locating Education in Rationality: Posthumanism and Education Research
38 | 2017年11月, Soka University, Conducted in Japanese: Foreign Researcher's Perspective on Japanese elementary education
39 | 2017年07月, Soka University, Teaching and Learning in English-medium Classes
40 | 2016年02月, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning: CETL, Soka University, Developing Critical Problem-Solving Skills in Cooperative Contexts
41 | 2016年01月, Faculty of International Liberal Arts, Soka University, Quantitative Research on Corporate Social Responsibility
42 | 2015年12月, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning: CETL, Deconstructing the Lecture Model: Interactive Pedagogy for Higher Education
43 | 2015年05月, Faculty of International Liberal Arts, Soka University, Traits of Global Citizenship for Better Inter-Ethnic Relations
44 | 2013年11月, Soka University, Implementing English-Medium Courses
45 | 2010年11月, World Language Center, Soka University, Deciphering Media Messages: An Integrated Learning Approach. A Campus-wide Professional Development Seminar
46 | 2010年11月, Soka University, Deciphering Media Messages: An Integrated Learning Approach
47 | 2008年10月, Soka University, The Role of Vocabulary in the ESL Curriculum
48 | 2007年10月, Soka University, An Integrated Approach to the EFL Curriculum
49 | 2007年10月, World Language Center, Soka University, An Integrated Approach to the ELF/ESL Curriculum.
50 | 2007年02月, Soka University, Presenting in English
51 | 2006年06月, Soka University, Japanese Education in Times of Social Change. An orientation program for U.S. participants of the Toyota International Teacher Program.