FD活動への参加 |
No. | 実施年月, 主催団体名, 研修名
1 | 2024年04月, 創価大学, 事業報告会
2 | 2024年01月, Soka University, Mariko Sakai, Harassment Training for Mutual Respect and Protection
3 | 2023年11月, Soka University, WLC, Megumi Yamazaki, Soka Learning Support Services
4 | 2023年07月, Soka University, FILA & Center for Malaysian Studies, Dr. Siti Hazline bin Md. Harizan, Self-Regulating Behaviour in Social Media Use among Malaysian Muslim Consumers: Implications for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
5 | 2023年06月, Soka University, Made Hery Santosa, Ph.D, One Size Does Not Fit All: Designing Assessment for the Gen Z Learners
6 | 2023年06月, Soka University, Faculty of Education, Dr. Shannon Robinson, Increasing Compassion in Higher Education : Student Happiness and University Policy Making
7 | 2023年06月, Soka University, FILA, Associate Professor Khoo Suet Leng, Ph.D., SDGs and Creative Cities: The Case of George Town, Penang, Malaysia
8 | 2023年05月, Soka University, SIPS, Augusto Lopez-Claros, The Case for a New United Nations Charter: War, Peace, and the Lessons of History
9 | 2023年05月, Soka University, Made Hery Santosa, Ph.D,, A Digital Story Project: Creating Stories for a Meaningful Learning
10 | 2023年04月, South-Asia Research Center, Representations of India in Japanese Literature
11 | 2023年04月, 創価大学, 事業報告会
12 | 2022年12月, 創価大学, 国際平和学研究所FDSDセミナー
13 | 2022年06月, 創価大学, 科目担当者会English系科目
14 | 2022年06月, 創価大学, FILAリサーチ・セミナー
15 | 2022年06月, 創価大学, WLC主催のグローバル・レクチャー・シリーズ
16 | 2022年05月, SARC, Surviving in a Global Village
17 | 2022年05月, 創価大学, 事業説明会
18 | 2022年04月, Centre for UN Studies' Soka University & University of Buckingham, Ethics, human rights and realpolitik at the United Nations
19 | 2021年11月, Soka University, SIPS, Global Citizenship Education: Lessons from University Teaching
20 | 2021年11月, Soka University, How to grow your teaching, research and service impact. Dr. Willy A. Renandya
21 | 2021年07月, The Centre for UN Studies, University of Buckingham, Third Annual Lecture with Former UN Secretary General, His Excellency Ban Ki-moon
22 | 2021年07月, Soka University - World Language Center, Positive Peace in Schools: From Peace-Keeping to Peace-Making and Peace-Building
23 | 2021年07月, Soka University - FILA, Why I teach history seminar with Wikipedia and how this makes me (and perhaps students) feel like a historian
24 | 2021年06月, Soka University and the Toda Peace Institute, The World in the Post-Corona Period
25 | 2021年03月, 創価大学通信教育部, 通教教員説明会
26 | 2020年12月, WLC, Soka University, The importance of L1 in Learning L2 through Translanguaging/Vocabulary-Builder Worksheets
27 | 2020年11月, WLC, Soka University, Assessment Literacy in English Language Teaching
28 | 2020年11月, WLC, Soka University, How does the Guided-Autonomy Syllabus and Formative Assessment Develop Self-Regulated Learning Skills
29 | 2020年11月, Japan Association for Language Learning (JALT) 2020 International Conference, 2020 International Conference - Communities of Teachers and Learners
30 | 2020年10月, FILA, Soka University, Transnational Identities on Okinawa's Military Bases: Invisible Armies
31 | 2020年10月, Soka University, Result Report Session about Overseas Research
32 | 2020年07月, FILA Research Seminar, Soka University, The G20 Response to COVID-19: Civil Society Contributions
33 | 2020年06月, School of Excellence in Educational Development, Soka University, Faculty Meeting regarding 2020 General Education Courses
34 | 2020年06月, Soka University - WLC, Tools and Tips for Using Zoom Interactively
35 | 2020年02月, Soka University / FILA, Action Learning (AP Reflections in Academic Writing)
36 | 2019年12月, Soka University, Globalization, multiculturalism and the teaching of purposive communication in the Philippines - Darwin Guianan
37 | 2019年12月, Soka University / School of Excellence in Educational Development, Faculty Meeting regarding 2019 General Education Courses (EMP Courses)
38 | 2019年11月, Soka University / Global Core Center, From Tragedy To Triumph: What Native Americans' Inspiring History Can Teach Us Today - Deron Marquez
39 | 2019年11月, Soka University / Human Resources Office, Campus Harassment Prevention Training Session
40 | 2019年11月, Soka University / Global Core Center, English as a Global Medium of Instruction - Donna Brinton
41 | 2019年09月, Soka University / FILA, FILA Faculty Development Seminar - Critical Thinking
42 | 2019年07月, Soka University / FILA, “Reforming the United Nations” Vesselin Popovski
43 | 2019年06月, Soka University / Global Core Center, Mastering the Art of Professional Presenting
44 | 2019年05月, Soka University, Explanatory Meeting of 2019`s Soka University Project Vision
45 | 2019年05月, Soka University / WLC, Adam Dabrowski, Using Quizlet Live to Encourage Vocabulary Study
46 | 2019年03月, Soka University - FILA, China's Belt and Road Initiative: Cost-Benefit Analysis and Meeting Environmental Obligations
47 | 2019年02月, Soka University, General Education Faculty Meeting
48 | 2019年02月, Soka University - CETL, AP Active Learning Workshop (English version)
49 | 2019年01月, Soka University - Global Core Center, Dynamic Delivery and Powerful PowerPoints
50 | 2018年12月, Soka University Faculty of Education, Education through Artistic Representation: Novels about the Internment of Japanese Canadians and Art about Argentina’s Dirty War
51 | 2018年12月, Soka Univerisity, BEVI-J Workshop
52 | 2018年11月, Soka University Faculty of Education, The Japanese Canadian Internment and Its Literary “Things” - Lara Okihiro (University of Toronto)
53 | 2018年11月, Soka University - Global Core Center, English Medium of Instruction: Isn’t This Just Good Instruction? - Judith B. O’Loughlin
54 | 2018年10月, Soka University - WLC, Teaching English Language Learners Through Sheltered Instruction - Judith B. O’Loughlin
55 | 2018年07月, Soka University - FILA Research Seminar, Peace Dividends: The Impact of Economic Aid on Negotiated Peace Settlements
56 | 2018年07月, Soka University - FILA, FILA Faculty Development Seminar
57 | 2018年06月, Soka University - FILA, Territorial Disputes in an Era of Systemic Change: Examining the South China Sea Dispute as a Geopolitical Flashpoint
58 | 2018年06月, Soka University, Thammasat Joint Seminar - Pedagogy for Student-Centered Teaching and Transforming Knowledge into Wisdom toward Peace
59 | 2018年05月, Soka University, Kickoff Symposium for Private University Research Branding Project - PLANE3T Project
60 | 2017年11月, Japan Association for Language Teaching, JALT 2017 International Conference Tsukuba International Congress Center
61 | 2017年11月, Soka University WLC, Dr Gabriel Díaz Maggioli How global is global English language teaching?
62 | 2017年07月, Soka University Faculty of Education, Dr. Jody McBrien, Critical Pedagogy and Art for Social Justice: Teaching Teachers.
63 | 2017年07月, Soka University WLC CETL, Todd Enslen Active Learning in Higher Education
64 | 2017年05月, Soka University FILA, Datin Dr. Raihanah Binti Haji Abdullah Islam and Human Rights
65 | 2017年05月, Soka University Faculty of Business Administration, Dr. Ted Gournelos Who do we work with? Finding suitable partners for analysis or classroom engagement
66 | 2017年05月, Soka University WLC, Dr Charles Browne Free High Frequency Word Lists, Online Learning Tools
67 | 2012年04月, World Language Center, New World Language Center Speaking Assessment Training Workshop
68 | 2011年09月, World Language Center, Introduction of New World Language Center Speaking Assessment System
69 | 2010年11月, World Language Center, Deciphering Media Messages: An Integrated Learning Approach. A Campus-wide Professional Development Seminar
70 | 2009年11月, World Language Center, English Learner Lexicon: Development of Synonym Awareness in Language Learning;
71 | 2008年08月, World Language Center, The role of vocabulary in the ESL curriculum