Published Papers |
No. | Title URL, Journal, Vol( Number), From Page- To Page, Publication date, DOI
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3 | Interactions between environmental sensitivity and gut microbiota are associated with biomarkers of stress-related psychiatric symptoms , Journal of Affective Disorders, 339( 15), 136- 144, Jul. 2023,
4 | Reliability and validity of the Emotion as a Child Scale in Japanese children and adolescents: Focusing on children’s anger , Current Psychology, 42, 8112- 8124, Apr. 2023,
5 | Environmental sensitivity in adults: Psychometric properties of the Japanese Version of the Highly Sensitive Person Scale 10-Item Version , Journal of Personality Assessment, 105( 1), 87- 99, 2023,
6 | Sensory processing sensitivity and gastrointestinal symptoms in Japanese adults , International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19( 16), , Aug. 2022,
7 | Beyond the diathesis‐stress paradigm: Effect of the environmental sensitivity × pubertal tempo interaction on depressive symptoms , New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 2022( 185-186), 123- 143, Mar. 10, 2022,
8 | Sensory-processing sensitivity and COVID-19 stress in a young population: The mediating role of resilience , Personality and Individual Differences, 184, 111183- 111183, Jan. 2022,
9 | Highly sensitive adolescents: The relationship between weekly life events and weekly socioemotional well‐being , British Journal of Psychology, 112( 4), 1103- 1129, 2021,
10 | Highly sensitive adolescent benefits in positive school transitions: Evidence for vantage sensitivity in Japanese high-schoolers , Developmental Psychology, 56( 8), 1565- 1581, Aug. 2020,
11 | Developmental trajectories of event centrality and socio-emotional well-being after transition to high school , British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 38( 4), 497- 511, Apr. 2020,
12 | Positive developmental changes after transition to high school: Is retrospective growth correlated with measured changes in current status of personal growth? , Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 47( 6), 1192- 1207, 2018,
13 | Stress-related growth in Japanese adolescents experiencing high school entrance examinations , Current Psychology, 37( 4), 803- 808, 2018,
14 | Gender Differences in Relationship between Resilience and Big-Five Personality in Japanese Adolescents , Psychological Reports, 121( 5), 920- 931, 2018,
15 | Ceiling Effects and Floor Effects of the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory , Journal of Child and Family Studies, 27( 2), 387- 397, 2018,
16 | Study on LINE and Twitter Concerning Utilizational Purpose and Psychological Function in Undergraduate Students , , 35( 35), 3- 32, Jun. 2017,
17 | An approach to both recovery and growth following difficult situations : The perspective of resilience, posttraumatic growth, and mindfulness , , 59( 4), 397- 414, 2016,
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19 | Perceptions toward Posttraumatic Growth: Life Crises and Positive Psychological Changes , Stress Management Research, 12( 1), 54- 65, 2016,
20 | Cross-sectional study of the stress-related growth among junior high school students : Relationships between proactive coping, stress-related growth, and stress response , , 11( 1), 31- 44, 2015,
21 | Effect of Cognitive Appraisals and Coping Strategies for Anticipated High School Entrance Exams on Stress-Related Growth in Junior High School Students , , 57( 1), 5- 12, 2015,
22 | Stress Coping Facilitation and the Promotion toward Personal Growth of Junior High School Students : Development of the Proactive Coping Inventory for Junior High School Students , , 16( 2), 190- 195, 2013,
Conference Activities & Talks |
No. | Title, Conference, Publication date, Promoter, Venue
1 | Transition to High School: What Are the Positive Personality Changes Related to Personal Growth, 2017 APA Convention, Aug. 4, 2017, ,
2 | Cross-Cultural Perceptions of Death in Japanese and American Undergraduates, 2017 APA Convention, Aug. 3, 2017, ,
3 | Prospective Changes in Personal Growth and Resilience During Transition to High School, 2017 APA Convention, Aug. 3, 2017, ,
4 | The Difference between Sensory-Processing Sensitivity and Sensory Processing Disorder: The Comparison of Highly Sensitive Person Scale and Adolescent / Adult Sensory Profile, 31st International Congress of Psychology 2016, Jul. 24, 2016, ,
5 | Highly Sensitive People in Japan: From Measurement to Psycholog ical Approaches, 31st International Congress of Psychology 2016, Jul. 24, 2016, ,
6 | Assessing the Current Sense of Personal Growth among Japanese Middle School Children, 31st International Congress of Psychology 2016, Jul. 24, 2016, ,
7 | Development of the Junior High School Students Version of the Sensory Sensitivity Index (SSSI), , Sep. 22, 2015, ,
Research Grants & Projects |
No. | Offer organization, System name, Title, Fund classification, Date
1 | Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Individual differences in developmental plasticity and adaptive mechanisms in adolescents: Constructing support based on environmental sensitivity theory., , Apr. 2022 - Mar. 2026
2 | Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), A Developmental Psychopathological Study of Emotion Regulation, Emotional Socialization, and Changes in Depressive Symptoms in Adolescents, , Apr. 2019 - Mar. 2022
3 | Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows, Mechanisms of developmental diversity during the high school transition: a large-scale longitudinal study., , Apr. 2019 - Mar. 2022
4 | Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows, Positive Functions of Stress-Related Growth Across Middle and High School Students Based on a Longitudinal Study, , Apr. 2016 - Mar. 2019