Books etc |
No. | Title URL, Autour Type, Publisher, Publication date, Range, ISBN
1 | JASAL and the Self-Access Learning Center Movement in Japan. In E. Lavolette, & A. Kraeme (Eds.), Language Center Handbook 2021 , Joint Work, International Association for Language Learning Technology, 2021, ,
2 | Getting Started with Action Research: An Introduction for Teachers Interested in Investigating Classroom Issues. In E. Doman (Ed.), Insight into EFL teaching and issues in Asia , Single Work, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014, ,
Published Papers |
No. | Title URL, Journal, Vol( Number), From Page- To Page, Publication date, DOI
1 | Agency and Affordances in Study Abroad , Education Sciences, 13( 4), 1- 17, Mar. 2023,
2 | Promoting Autonomy in and out of the Classroom , NUFS Teacher Development Symposium Proceedings, 2, 3- 12, Jun. 2022,
3 | Doing a Doctorate: Three Experiences , NUFS Teacher Development Symposium Proceedings, 1, 1- 13, Jun. 2021,
4 | Understanding Learner Autonomy Through Research: A Summary of a Forum at JALT 2019 , Studies in Self-Access Learning Journal, 11( 1), 53- 63, Mar. 1, 2020,
5 |
6 | Impacting Student Use in Self Access Centers through Learning Environment Design , Independence, 70, 22- 27, 2017,
7 | The Sustainability of English Language Teachers in Cambodian State Schools , Discussions for Sustainable Development and Culture—Lesson from Emerging Asia—The Proceedings for the 1st International Forum, Faculty of Foreign Studies, Meijo University, 1, 101- 106, 2017,
8 | Implementing a Language Learning Advising Service at a Self-Access Center in Cambodia , Studies in Self-Access Learning Journal, 7( 1), 96- 109, 2016,
9 | English Language Education in Cambodia and International Support ahead of ASEAN Integration , Language Education in Asia, , 13- 40, 2015,
Conference Activities & Talks |
No. | Title, Conference, Publication date, Promoter, Venue
1 | Future-Ready Self-Access Language Learning: A Workshop for Cambodian Teacher Trainees and Trainers, 19th CamTESOL Conference on English Language Teaching, Feb. 18, 2023, ,
2 | Developing a Diverse and Inclusive Podcast for Low-Proficiency English Language Learners, Diversity and Inclusivity in English Language Education, Dec. 9, 2022, ,
3 | Deterritorialising a SAC for Access and Inclusion, JASAL 2022 National Conference, Oct. 22, 2022, ,
4 | Promoting Autonomy in and out of the Classroom, NUFS Teacher Development Symposium, Nagoya University of Foreign Studies [online], Japan, Jan. 22, 2022, ,
5 | Comparing Two Self-Access Conversation Spaces, JALT PanSIG Conference, Konan University, Kobe, Japan, May. 19, 2019, ,
6 | Notice, Act, and Reflect: Stretching Study Abroad Students’ Boundaries with Smartphones, Psychology of Language Learning, Waseda University, Tokyo, Jun. 7, 2018, ,
7 | English Education in Cambodia: Context, Challenges and Initiatives, U.S. State Department’s Lower Mekong Initiative seminar for Ministry of Education officials. Institute of Foreign Languages, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Mar. 2014, ,
8 | Asian University EFL Student Attitudes toward Nonnative English Speaking Teachers, 44th Annual TESOL Convention and Exhibit, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, Boston, Mass., USA, Mar. 2010, ,