Books etc |
No. | Title URL, Autour Type, Publisher, Publication date, Range, ISBN
1 | ダークナイト , Joint Translation, フォーインスクリーンプレイ事業部 (発売), Jul. 2010, , 9784894074514
2 | リトル・ミス・サンシャイン = Little Miss Sunshine , Joint Translation, フォーインスクリーンプレイ事業部 (発売), Jun. 2009, , 9784894074255
3 | ダイ・ハード4.0 = Die Hard 4.0 , Joint Translation, フォーインスクリーンプレイ事業部 (発売), Sep. 2008, , 9784894074170
Published Papers |
No. | Title URL, Journal, Vol( Number), From Page- To Page, Publication date, DOI
1 | Examining the Function of Deixis in English Literature: A Focus on the Narrator for English Classroom , , , 125- 137, Mar. 2024,
2 | Understanding the Discourse of English Literature by Focusing on the Narrator , , , 1- 10, Mar. 2023,
3 | A Survey on “Students’ Self-esteem Improvement Through Class Cooperation Experiences” in English Conversation Classes: Focus on Internal Factors of Learners , , 10, 55- 61, Mar. 10, 2019,
4 | Current status of English Education in Elementary Schools―Based on Qualitative and Quantitative surveys― , , 1( 5), 143- 148, Jul. 2018,
5 | 学生の外的要因と内的要因に着目する「外国語の理解」「外国語科指導法」に関する一考察: A Study of "Comprehension of Foreign Language" and "Teaching Method of Foreign Language for the Elementary School" Based on External and Internal Factors of Learners , , 8, 33- 40, Mar. 10, 2018,
6 | Developing and Validating the English Speaking Anxiety Scale A research for English as a Subject of Elementary Schools in Japan , , 7, 67- 74, Sep. 29, 2017,
7 | The Pedagogical Application of Explicit and Tacit Descriptions of Films for Understanding Literary Texts , Teaching English through movies : ATEM journal, 19, 137- 151, 2014,
8 | 『ワンダー・ブック』において子どもの年齢が設定された物語--年少向け「不思議な水差し」と年長向け「キマイラ」 , , 34( 1), 175- 187, Sep. 30, 2009,
9 | ホーソーン児童向け作品『ワンダー・ブック』の対象年齢--「黄金に変える手」を中心に , , 33( 2), 97- 109, Mar. 1, 2009,
10 | The Scarlet Letter--The Pursuit of "Some Sweet Moral Blossom" , , 25, 69- 91, 2003,